Friday, September 30, 2011

The Discovery of the Top Quark [From the Archive]


Editor's note: This article was originally published in the September 1997 issue of Scientific American (a PDF version of the original is available for purchase below). We have resurfaced this article to commemorate the end of the Tevatron.

In March 1995 scientists gathered at a hastily called meeting at Fermilab?the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Ill., near Chicago?to witness a historic event. In back-to-back seminars, physicists from rival experiments within the lab announced the discovery of a new particle, the top quark. A decades-long search for one of the last missing pieces in the Standard Model of particle physics had come to an end.

The top quark is the sixth, and quite possibly the last, quark. Along with leptons?the electron and its relativesquarks are the building blocks of matter. The lightest quarks, designated ?up? and ?down,? make up the familiar protons and neutrons. Along with the electrons, these make up the entire periodic table. Heavier quarks (such as the charm, strange, top and bottom quarks) and leptons, though abundant in the early moments after the big bang, are now commonly produced only in accelerators. The Standard Model describes the interactions among these building blocks. It requires that leptons and quarks each come in pairs, often called generations.

Physicists had known that the top must exist since 1977, when its partner, the bottom, was discovered. But the top proved exasperatingly hard to find. Although a fundamental particle with no discernible structure, the top quark turns out to have a mass of 175 billion electron volts (GeV)?as much as an atom of gold and far greater than most theorists had anticipated. The proton, made of two ups and one down, has a mass of just under 1 GeV. (The electron volt is a unit of energy, related to mass via E = mc2.)


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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Autism, The Neurological Disorder | Free Article Directory

Disorders of various kinds affect in varied ways. Many health related issues occur either during pregnancy or after the birth of a child. The child can either be affected mentally or physically. If mentally, parents would be able to recognize it gradually and if physically it can be recognized during the birth of the child.

Disorders many vary from person to person. A child has a very tender body and mind to be affected easily to health related issues. They need to be taken care of with lot of pr4ecautions, especially in the initial growing days, so that there grown up days need not be spent in hospitals or on medications, instead should be able to lead a happy and healthy life. Some kids are affected mentally so much that they can be cured with a lot of affection and warmth given by parents and specialists in the hospitals or in the institutions which offer help to such individuals through therapies, medications and exercising. Security builds a bond between the child and the doctor, which can prove fruitful in curing the child as early as possible.

Autism is one such disorder that occurs in children, in their younger ages. It is a neurological disorder that affects information processing in the brain, leaving the child feeling very lonely even when amidst a crowd. There are various signs in a child that projects whether he/she is having autism disorder, which needs to be recognized by the parents so that they could provide them the appropriate medical aid, to recover faster. This particular neurological disorder includes impaired social interaction, depleted communication levels and repetitive behavior; these are the signs that confirm the presence of this disorder present in a child. All these signs are not present in the initial days of the child?s life instead they develop gradually.

Some autistic children develop normally in the initial stages and then regress, portraying various signs of autism, which the parents need to be attentive about during the growing up days of a child to recognize the developing disorder, so that they could approach the specialized doctors to rectify it in the initially itself. This disorder begins even before the child grows to be three years of age, allowing the parents to notice all the signs related to autism in the first two years of their child?s life which becomes a necessity to provide the child the right aid, which gets confirmed by the time they turn three years of age. Autism may be caused by a range of elements including genetic factors, problems at birth and certain types of infections affecting the child. These infections can be caused due to pollutants and other environmental factors, but research is still ongoing by the specialists with respect to this, since it is not exactly known how and what causes autism.

For more information: Information on Autism
Get more information: Spastic Cerebral Palsy


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Health And Fitness | Anti - Aging Shopping :: By Stephan Hoffman ...

Anti-aging shopping list (Part 1)

Aging is a natural process of life but the way in which we age can be altered by the way in which you eat.

The anti-aging diet can be summed up in just four basic principles :

Cut out the sugar and refined carbohydrates
Eat more lean protein
Replace unhealthy fats with healthy fats
Consume the widest possible variety of produce and plenty of it.(1)
Creating an anti-aging shopping list takes one from food collection all the way to food preparation.

Staying hydrated with good quality fluids, such as natural water, herbal teas or fresh 100% fruit juices, and avoiding carbonated drinks and juices which are sweetened, means your body is able to function optimally as all the chemical processes in the body need water.

Think of colour when doing your shopping list and have as many of them on your list in the form of fruits and vegetables. Fruits that should spring to mind are blueberries, raspberries, young berries, strawberries, pineapple, cranberries, citrus fruits, pomegranates, apples etc. Try to buy fruits and vegetables which are in season as this adds to the nutritional value as many cold storage foods have had their nutritional content reduced. If you are able to source organic foods it would be an even better choice as they would not have been exposed to added pesticides, hormones and or be genetically modified. Keep in mind that if fresh is not an option frozen produce generally contains more nutrients than canned goods.

1. Miller P. The life Extension Revolution: The new science of growing old without aging.

Bantam, 2006 : 293

Dr Melissa Brown (B.Sc CHS uwc,B.Nat UWC) is the Secundus and Coordinator of the Naturopathic program at the School of Natural Medicine, University of the Western Cape. She is currently completing her Masters in Child and Family studies with a focus on Primary care-givers nutritional knowledge, body mass index and their feeding practices they share with their children. She is currently in practice with a keen interest in women?s health, weight loss and anti-aging.

About Author Stephan Hoffman :

This article was first published in Link-Up a magazine that networks Body, Mind and Soul. Visit for more articles like this.

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Article Added on Tuesday, September 27, 2011


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Effective Way by PowerScore LSAT Review Course to Reach One's ...

Students who want to become lawyers must enroll in law school. To do so, they must pass the LSAT or the Law School Admission Test.

LSAT is a standardized test designed to check and evaluate an examinee?s logical, analytical, reading and verbal reasoning skills that are necessary for the study and practice of law. For many, this test is one of the most important tests of their lives. His score is a significant determiner of their choice of law school and, ultimately, their success as lawyers.

There are some who choose to review on their own while others choose to enroll in a review course. LSAT courses by PowerScore have one of the best review materials for the examination.

The PowerScore LSAT review courses allot 80 hours of review or approximately 20 meetings. This comprises of 13 four hour lectures, four hour practice sections and 3 hours dedicated for practice exercises. The total cost is about $1,195 which includes the review materials.

The schedule encompasses every fundamental feature and model in the test in great detail. During the review class, the instructors address in-depth solutions to every possible problem that a student may encounter during the exam.

The PowerScore LSAT review course has a pool of topnotch instructors. They all scored a 99th percentile on the test. This shows that they are reputable in explaining the LSAT?s principles and concepts.

The PowerScore selects the creme de la creme instructors and trained intensively to handle the class efficiently. The instructors totally control the concept for the review.

During the review, an instructional materials are being distributed to the examinees. Other materials include guides, textbooks, assignments as well as official LSAT questions. PowerScore are authorized to use actual questions by the Law School Admission Council.

PowerScore devises a thorough review class which helps test takers to effectively attack questions. It is a fact that if every enrollee uses efficiently the materials given by PowerScore then they have encountered real LSAT questions used since the 90?s.

PowerScore has a 24 hour hotline for students that needs help especially doing their assignments or to answer their queries.

With PowerScore?s LSAT review course, an examinee is sure to score high in LSAT.

The author is a multifaceted writer. She creates articles for a variety of topics such as marriage and relationship advices, great deals on formal dresses and prom dresses, family and parenting concerns, fashion and beauty tips and a lot more.


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Tips on how to choose a credit counseling agency ? Prudent Articles

Being a borrower who is searching for financial counseling or debt settlement advice you should know that there are many false credit counseling organizations that are out to swindle you. It has been found that the companies? sole purpose is to earn money so they don?t care about guiding and preparing their consultants to be competent in the field of counseling.

Every one can make use of credit guidanceespecially if they are in financial trouble. However, you must not get too excited or too confused while looking for a credit counseling company lest you fall into the hands of frauds or huckster operators.

Look out for credit counseling companies that can help you negotiate a repayment option with your creditors. There primary focus and objective is to assist get you out of the financial problems you have gotten into and not to more deepen you into the difficulty. An excellent credit counseling firm will not be too demanding especially in an uncommon way.

A number of credit companies might tell you they?re nonprofit credit counseling firms. However this does indicates they work totally for free. What you should do at this point is to ask them if they charge dues that have not been said or regarding those you don?t know about. This will assist you learn if they are really concern about your financial well being.

You should know a perfect credit counselor when you consider one. Such counselors should be capable to guide you on the path of solutions and debt settlement that will free you from economical bondage and not to get profit of your problem to make cash off you.

You can find out more on How Do You Eliminate Credit Card Debt If You Cannot Make Your Monthly Payments? and numerous guidelines on debt settlement and get my advice on how to deal with these issues to have a ideal debt relief.


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Residents could save on flood-insurance policies | iSearch ...

The Community Rating system, used by the National Flood Insurance Program, provides flood insurance discounts to communities that pass building codes and enforce regulations aimed at reducing risk.

Discounts are based on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the best and receiving a 45 percent discount. a 10 is the worst, resulting in no discount. a community not participating in the program is rated 10. Participation is free and voluntary.

Terrebonne currently has a 7 rating, giving residents a 15 percent discount on flood insurance. the parish has received unofficial notice from FEMA that its rating will be change to a 6 beginning in October, lowering the cost of flood insurance for residents by 20 percent, Parish Planning and Zoning Director Pat Gordon

Lafourche Parish does not participate and receives no flood-insurance discounts.

FEMA inspects communities every five years to make sure they comply with National Flood Insurance Program regulations. the federal agency looks to see if buildings are properly elevated, the necessary permits were secured and all building rules followed, said Michael Hunnicutt, deputy section chief for FEMA?s hazard-mitigation office. the Community Resiliancy Program rewards parishes that go above and beyond those standards.

?it helps save money, lowers flood-insurance costs, encourages safe building, smarter construction and mitigates against future risk,? Hunnicutt said.

The lower rating is due to the parish?s work educating locals about flood-risk management, aggressively pursuing elevation grant money and performing regular maintenance of levees and drainage. the parish also tracks flood damage to properties, requiring those with repeated damage to elevate or sell and move to higher ground.

Properties bought by the parish are converted to green space so no others build on high-risk land, Gordon said.

Terrebonne Parish President Michel Claudet said his administration has worked hard to improve the parish?s rating. it was an 8 when he entered office, and it dropped to a 7 in 2009.

?a two-point drop in these years is a great accomplishment,? he said.

Gordon said Terrebonne?s participation in the Community Rating system program has helped curb the parish?s flood risk. And discounts on flood insurance encourage locals to purchase flood insurance.

?We?re not going to stop there,? Gordon said. ?we have plans to go further, hopefully getting our rating to a 5, or a 4.?

The National Flood Insurance Program is the only local source of flood insurance. the program is set to expire on Sept. 30, after a temporary extension lapses. that short-term extension was passed last year to allow lawmakers time to reform the program, which has accumulated massive debt in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and other disasters.

A flood-insurance reform bill already passed the House, but a second remains stalled in the Senate.

Officials believe those reforms will not pass Senate muster before the flood-insurance program expires. a temporary extension will likely be passed this week as part of a short-term spending bill, said Luke Bolar, a spokesman for U.S. Sen. David Vitter, R-La.

That will extend the program through Nov. 18, allowing the Senate more time to pass the reform bill, he said.

The flood-insurance program was allowed to lapse several times last year as lawmakers passed repeated short-term extensions.

While short lapses don?t affect current policy holders, they prevent prospective buyers from closing on new homes because banks and other mortgage lenders require owners to have flood insurance.

The National Flood Insurance Program?s rates are currently considered by many to be too low for the risk they cover.

A reform bill that could allow flood-insurance rates to rise as much as 20 percent a year passed the House in July. currently rates may only rise by 10 percent per year. a bill introduced in the Senate would allow premiums to rise as much as 15 percent.

The reform bills would renew the National Flood Insurance Program for the next five years.

Staff Writer Nikki Buskey can be reached at 857-2205 or

Residents could save on flood-insurance policies


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Monday, September 26, 2011

Poll first: More Jewish voters disapprove of Obama???s job performance than approve (Daily Caller)

For the first time since he took the oath of office, President Barack Obama?s job performance disapproval among Jewish voters has risen above his approval numbers, the American Jewish Committee?s (AJC) Annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion showed Monday.

According to the poll, Jewish approval of the president?s performance declined to 45 percent, with 48 percent disapproving and 7 percent undecided. Last year, 51 percent approved and 44 percent disapproved of Obama?s job performance.

?AJC annual surveys seek to provide timely information on the attitudes of Jews across our nation regarding the pressing issues confronting our community and the country,? said AJC executive David Harris in a statement. ?Just as in previous years, this year?s survey offers a treasure-trove of data ? and, as always, a few surprises.?

For those interested in the presidential horse race, AJC also surveyed opinion on the current GOP presidential contenders. In match-ups with the president, AJC found that Mitt Romney would fare best among Jewish voters when running against Obama, with 32 percent of the Jewish vote compared with Obama?s 50 percent. Perry would get 25 percent of the Jewish vote against Obama?s 55 percent and Bachmann would get 19 percent to Obama?s 59 percent.

In 2008 Obama got 78 percent of the Jewish vote, while McCain got just 22 percent.

The number of Jewish voters who identified themselves as Democrats, according to AJC has been declining over the past several years. In this most recent poll, the percentage of Jewish voters decreased this year to 45 percent: Down three points from 48 percent a year ago, and down eight points from 53 percent in the fall of 2009. (RELATED: Obama gaffe: President says billionaires should pay the ?Jew? tax rate)

The percentage of Jewish voters identifying themselves as Republicans remained relatively stagnant at 16 percent, down from 17 percent last year. Jewish voters who consider themselves independents increased to 38 percent this year, from 34 percent last year and 30 percent in 2009.

The findings show that Democrats should likely beware of taking the Jewish vote for granted, especially in the wake of the Republican upset in New York?s 9th Congressional district.

AJC?s poll was conducted by Synovate, which interviewed 800 respondents by telephone from Sept. 6 ? 21, 2011.

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lawsuits filed by workers who floated days in Gulf (Providence Journal)

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Movie Review: The Social Network Writer Aaron Sorkin Scores ...

Moneyball is not a movie about baseball, just as The Social Network, the last film by screenwriter Aaron Sorkin (A Few Good Men, The West Wing) was not a movie about creating an internet site. The secret to Sorkin?s success, rather, lies in his ability to take heady, potentially obtuse subjects and chisel out the essential drama. Both films are ultimately about brainy, gutsy characters who go all-in against all odds on an idea they believe in. In that sense, they could both be considered almost religious films, dressed in the trappings of our two great American loves ? business and sports.

Moneyball and The Social Network share many traits. Both movies are smartly-scripted, at times funny, engaging, entertaining, and ultimately easy to swallow. They toss around facts and lingo in a way that feels in sync with the way we now use information to amuse ourselves. They cater to our undying loyalty to the underdog. They employ characters with just the right dash of personal ambiguity to make them undeniably likable in their measured un-likability. And by resolving both movies on a note one half-step below Hollywood happy and with an open-ended sense of characterization, Sorkin shows just the right amount of dramatic moderation to make audiences think his movies are better than they actually are.

Much has already been made of Sorkin?s feat in turning Michael Lewis? book, Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game, into a feature film, but that really isn?t what Sorkin has done here. Lewis? book is a heady analytic examination of sabermetrics, a revolutionary statistical approach to evaluating baseball players. Along with director Bennett Miller (Capote), the writer has instead written a more conventional style of sports movie, told not from the perspective of the players, but of the general manager, the man in charge buying, selling, and trading the team?s players. The Oakland A?s GM is Billy Beane (Brad Pitt), who was once a touted prospect in his own right before his career flared out and he moved to the A?s front office. The challenge Beane faces as the A?s GM is that he is running a team with a budget that is roughly less than a third of what large franchises, like the New York Yankees, have to spend on their players. As Moneyball opens, the A?s successful 2001 season ends with a loss in the divisional playoffs. Weeks after, the team?s three stars, developed within the A?s organization, are bought by the big dog teams in free agency.

The movie then follows Beane?s struggle to create a winning ballclub on pennies, and the solution comes in an epiphany provided by the nerdy young Peter Brand (Jonah Hill), whom Beane meets during an unsuccessful trade negotiation with the Cleveland Indians. Brand tells Beane about sabermetrics, a way of looking at baseball not in terms of star athletes, but rather in the nut-and-bolts results needed to win games, such as getting runners on base and scoring runs. As a result, Beane signs a roster of seeming scrubs who excel at unsexy talents like drawing walks and sacrifice flies. It?s a baseball basics approach to the game that will be familiar to Texas Rangers fans; current Rangers? manager Ron Washington was an assistant coach on Beane?s 2002 A?s squad.

Of course Beane?s adoption of sabermetrics didn?t happen as dramatically in real life as it is depicted in Moneyball. Even before 2002 the GM was developing players using some of the ideas. And Hill?s character, Peter Brand, is actually a hybrid of a number of influential personalities who helped shaped the A?s surprisingly successful 2002 roster. But those factual details show us how Sorkin goes about crafting his dramas. He is a clean writer, and he sets his characters in motion with a formal, almost classical touch. Beane propels the plot?s motion forward, and tension is created both by situation and the grumpy manager Art Howe, played by Philip Seymour Hoffman in a less than dynamic, though dramatically efficacious role. The struggle, powered by Pitt?s superstar likability and Sorkin?s razor sharp dialogue, can?t help but entangle the audience in this simple story. Even if you know everything the A?s achieved and didn?t achieve in 2002, you can?t wait to see it unfold in the larger than life.

Sorkin is really a good screenwriter, and yet what lingers with me after seeing his movies is a sad sense that good screenwriters are all the more rare these days ? or at least it is rare that good screenwriters? works get made. Moneyball should not be the cinematic event it is being made out to be. There should be a dozen movies every year that are as good as Moneyball. That said, I?ll take as many movies Sorkin can churn out ? they are enjoyable, enthralling, and transporting. But they also fall short of the kind of ambition our uneasy times seem to currently demand.

Moneyball, like The Social Network, is at its heart an affirmation of the human spirit and of that American everyman capacity for courage and the extraordinary. As a film, Moneyball most resembles the work of someone like Frank Capra, who produced some of the most beloved American films and yet whose work always seems crimped by the sentimentality of American?s vision of itself in the 1950s. You can see a similar nostalgia in Moneyball. For example, there is not a single mention of steroids in the film, despite the fact that the film is set during the doldrums of that shameful sporting era and that one of the A?s players, Jason Giambi, is steroid poster boy. That omission speaks to the kind Norman Rockwell vision that characterized Capra?s films and which sneaks into both Moneyball and The Social Network. The line, ?It is hard not to be romantic about baseball,? repeats throughout the movie. And we movie lovers love romance.


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Saturday, September 24, 2011

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Time : 09:30 (GMT)

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Friday, September 23, 2011

NO hidden in Thomas Kinkade paintings

Thomas Kinkade is best known for his paintings and cabin by the sea known. He stretched calendar and many other art objects such as key chains and postcards. But what most people do not know is that he is hiding, "N" 's into his works. If you ever watched a Where Waldo? Puzzle book or eye then you know how difficult it can be to find the hidden pictures in a book or a painting. Art of Thomas Kinkade is very similar, if not hidden his letters may alsohard to find.

The reason lies in the N Kinkade paintings is because the name of his wife's name is Nancy. If you come across a painting by Thomas Kinkade look is a number in the lower right corner of the painting, that the number of initials of Nancy shows are in the painting. Generally, there are a lot of N then one might expect.

If you are looking to try and find these hidden N, you need the larger version of the gazePainting in the first place. Try it in the sky, rocks or trees on the cabins. You might be also the N into the canoe, the tribes or other random items that may be in the painting. He loves his famous N-headlights are so sure to look there. A lot of times in the background can be found in places that people usually do not be random, so that N does not detract from the purpose of painting.

If youThomas Kinkade paintings or if you are thinking of buying one, consider the challenge that comes his pictures. Find her letters are hidden, you might just find that you experience a whole new side of the phenomenon of Thomas Kinkade.


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Netflix Stock Erases 12 Months Of Massive Growth, Crashes Through 52 Week Low

I'm too tired to photoshop reed hastings on there. sorry. next time.And with the sound of Wall Street's opening bell, Netflix quickly dipped below its 52 week low, opening at $141.40 but falling within a few seconds under $140. [NASDAQ:NFLX] Over the past two months the company watched subscribers leave along with 55% of its market cap from the same time period -- which now places their valuation at its 52 week low of $7.46B. On July 12, 2011, just one day prior to Netflix's all-time high price of 304.79, the company announced a radically different corporate structure and also raised the price of the most popular subscription plan by 60%. Sure, it's still the top consumer of internet bandwidth and the de facto leader in video streaming services, but the company's stock has lost a year of growth in a matter of two months, or rather, two decisions.


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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dinklage thrown by 'Thrones' Emmy win

Peter Dinklage picked up his first ever Emmy for his role as Tyrion Lannister in HBO?s ?Game of Thrones,? and while he came across charming and polished while giving his acceptance speech, the actor was anything but ready just before his name was called.

Story: 'Modern Family' wins big at the Emmys

?There?s some really good actors up there who could just have easily been holding this,? Peter told Access Hollywood backstage at the awards ceremony, referring to his competition on Sunday night.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: "Game Of Thrones" Stars At The 2011 Emmys

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Peter said he did not expect to win at all.

Slideshow: Fashions of the 2011 Primetime Emmys (on this page)

?Definitely not me,? he said when asked who he expected to win. ?Esteem issues.?

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Emmy Nominee & "Game Of Thrones" Favorite ? It?s Peter Dinklage

In his speech, Peter delighted the crowd as he praised ?GOT? producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, his own pregnant wife, Erica Schmidt, and someone back home, but none of his words were planned.

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He told Access he didn?t prepare a speech.

?No, God, no. I forgot to thank my manager. I was thanking my dog sitter before my manager,? he said. ?It?s a blur when you get up there. It?s a lot of people.?

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The actor only has a short while to celebrate before he heads back overseas to continue production on Season 2 of the series.

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?It?s a lot of fun to go to work. We?re shooting the second season right now,? he said. ?I gotta go back to Belfast (on) Tuesday, so, yeah, it?s fun, a lot of fun.?

VIEW THE PHOTOS: "Game Of Thrones" Stars In Street Clothes

And on a related note, Peter opened his acceptance speech by remarking about following Martin Scorsese, who picked up a Best Directing nod just before Peter?s category was announced. Backstage, Access? cameras caught the two as they met, both congratulating each other heartily.

Copyright 2011 by NBC. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

California's rebound seen held back by inland areas (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? California will trail the nation's economic recovery as its once fast-growing inland areas struggle for years to come with a dearth of jobs and devastated housing markets, a report released on Tuesday said.

At the same time, economic strength in coastal California may reverse years of flight to inland areas that defined recent migration patterns in the most populous U.S. state, the report by the UCLA Anderson Forecast unit added.

As a result, California's growth will be "sub-par" compared with the rest of the nation, the report added.

"What this means is a slight increase in the unemployment rate in California over the next two quarters, followed by a slow trajectory toward, but not reaching, single-digit unemployment the following five quarters," the report said.

The UCLA Anderson Forecast unit also said in its report that the "significant downward revision" in its U.S. forecast implies a greater slowing of California's overall economic growth, previously expected to outpace the nation's.

Ongoing cuts to state and local government payrolls along with "doldrums" in construction, retail and financial sectors will restrain California's growth, keeping the state's unemployment rate in the double digits well into 2014.

California's Employment Development Department said on Friday the state's unemployment rate ticked up to 12.1 percent in August from 12.0 percent in July.

Jobs are most sorely lacking in inland California, where the Central Valley and Riverside and San Bernardino counties east of Los Angeles saw the state's most torrid growth over the last decade.

A building boom of affordable housing, financed by easy money often with risky mortgages, fueled inland California's growth by luring residents from coastal areas with pricey housing.

But with the housing industry's collapse, payrolls of all kinds in inland California shrank, triggering some of the highest metro-area unemployment rates in the nation.

Foreclosures have also seized inland housing markets, sending home values reeling in recent years.

Dismal inland housing and jobs markets are keeping many Californians who may have moved east only a few years ago along the coast, where rents have dropped, homes have become more affordable and where job prospects are brighter.

Inland California may benefit from some spillover from the coastal economy, but the UCLA Anderson Forecast report said the "gap between the two Californias is likely to widen."

That raises the potential for "negative population growth in Inland California," which faces a slow recovery extending into 2017 and beyond, the report said.

(Editing by Richard Chang)


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Monday, September 19, 2011

16-year-old Lexi Thompson gets historic LPGA win

Lexi Thompson waves after making a birdie on the second hole during the final round of the Navistar LPGA Classic golf tournament at Capitol Hill at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail in Prattville, Ala., Sunday, Sept. 18, 2011. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

Lexi Thompson waves after making a birdie on the second hole during the final round of the Navistar LPGA Classic golf tournament at Capitol Hill at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail in Prattville, Ala., Sunday, Sept. 18, 2011. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

Lexi Thompson hits her tee shot on the par-3 second hole during the final round of the Navistar LPGA Classic golf tournament at Capitol Hill at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail in Prattville, Ala., Sunday, Sept. 18, 2011. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

Meena Lee, of South Korea, hits her tee shot on the second hole during the final round of the Navistar LPGA Classic golf tournament at Capitol Hill at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail in Prattville, Ala., Sunday, Sept. 18, 2011. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

Lexi Thompson watches her approach shot to the third hole during the final round of the Navistar LPGA Classic golf tournament at Capitol Hill at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail in Prattville, Ala., Sunday, Sept. 18, 2011. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

Tiffany Joh hits her tee shot on the third hole during the final round of the Navistar LPGA Classic golf tournament at Capitol Hill at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail in Prattville, Ala., Sunday, Sept. 18, 2011. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

(AP) ? Lexi Thompson was poised to become the youngest player to win an LPGA Tour event at a fresh-faced 16, sitting five strokes ahead of the field and one round from history.

So what was the dinner table topic the night before?

"Boys. Boys definitely came up," she said.

Hey, she's an LPGA winner. But she's still 16.

The Floridian closed with a 2-under 70 Sunday to win the Navistar LPGA Classic, beating Tiffany Joh by five strokes to finish at 17-under 271.

Thompson shattered the age record for winning a multiple-round tournament held by Paula Creamer, who won in 2005 at 18. Marlene Hagge was 18 years and 14 days old when she won the single-round Sarasota Open in 1952.

The victory brought a piece of history and $195,000.

"This has been my dream like my whole life," Thompson said. "It's the best feeling ever."

Thompson, who turned 16 in February, led by five strokes entering the final round and built that to seven through 10 holes at the Robert Trent Jones Trail's Capitol Hill complex. Then came the teen's only big lapse on the pressure-packed day, bogeys on the next two holes that allowed Joh to surge within three strokes.

Thompson erased any concerns of a collapse with birdies on Nos. 16 and 17, and then the celebration and the kind words began.

"Paula Creamer came up to me and said, 'If anybody was going to change the record, it should have been you,'" Thompson said. "That meant a lot."

Cool under pressure most of the day, Thompson and her father, also her caddie, couldn't contain broad smiles as they approached the 18th green with the win, and a spot in LPGA history, in hand.

"It's just awesome watching your kid do something like this, but it is very nerve-racking, though," Scott Thompson said. "This is a very special day.

"It was an unbelievable feeling to hear people cheering your kid like that. A very proud moment."

Thompson said her dad told her he was "going off to the side, because I might cry."

The home-schooled teen from Coral Springs, Fla., tapped in for par, hugged her father and got a celebratory dousing of bottled water over her head from Joh.

Now, the question is will she be granted LPGA Tour membership? Thompson will have to petition for an exemption of the 18-year-old age requirement.

The LPGA already granted her petition for qualifying school, and she won the first stage by 10 strokes in July with two more to go.

"We haven't even really talked about that yet," Scott Thompson said. "We'll worry about that as it comes, so we'll see."

LPGA Commissioner Mike Whan didn't seem inclined to give her the equivalent of a qualifying school GED.

"Should Lexi qualify for LPGA membership via her Q-School performance, she will be an LPGA member for the 2012 season," Whan said in a statement after the Navistar LPGA.

Veteran Juli Inkster thinks Thompson is ready for membership socially and as a player.

"It's kind of silly, isn't it?" Inkster said. "I think it makes us look bad, too. Now, you have to go to qualifying school? To me, that's silly."

In the meantime, she's still a kid having fun. She spent the evening before the tournament at Outback Steakhouse with fellow teen golfer Janie Jackson talking about boys and teenage topics.

Joh, who opened the day seven shots back, finished with a 68 after closing the gap with four straight birdies starting on No. 12. Her previous best finish was 12th at the CN Canadian Women's Open.

Angela Stanford shot a 66 to surge into third place at 11 under, posting three sub-70 rounds after an opening 73. Brittany Lang (67) and Karen Stupples (68) were 10 under.

Meena Lee, who opened the day five shots back in second, finished with a 73 and tied with Stacy Lewis at 9 under.

Thompson got a little relief from the pressure, laughing along with Joh after her tee shot rolled inches to the right of the hole on the par 3 No. 16.

She birdied to push her lead back to four strokes, acknowledging the fans with a brief grin and a tip of her visor.

"When it goes from seven to three in four holes, who isn't going to worry?" Scott Thompson said. "Tiffany was playing great.

"Lexi said, 'I think I'm going to have to make a birdie or so coming in.' It turned out she made two."

Thompson closed with a tap-in for par and a drama-free finale.

She had flirted with history before. Thompson shared the 2009 Navistar LPGA lead after two rounds as a 14-year-old amateur. In May, she entered the final round at the Avnet LPGA in Mobile tied for the lead, but dropped to 19th with a closing 78.

This time, she built such a cushion that bogeys on Nos. 11 and 12 only cut her lead to five strokes over Lang and Lee. Thompson recovered with tap-ins for par on the next hole and No. 15 and coasted from there.

Thompson sailed through the first nine holes with one birdie and a bogey. Only once did she flirt with serious trouble, when her approach shot sailed well over the hole and within a couple of feet of a downhill slope that led to bunkers.

No problem. She two-putted for par and then made an 8-foot birdie putt on No. 8.

Thompson said the jitters never got too bad.

"I was definitely a little nervous but they were controllable," she said. "Once I hit the first tee shot I was like, 'All right, I'm good.'"

Associated Press


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Sunday, September 18, 2011

advertise on internet

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Online marketing has developed into a very profitable method of marketing services and products in the company. Internet advertising is a kind of promotion which utilizes the web to offer the marketing message that may attract customers. Web could be the main medium which you can use within web marketing to get customers and spread the particular company. There?s also several instances of internet marketing for example e-mail marketing, banner advertising or contextual ads on various engines like google.

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Play With the Best Video Game System and Spend Hours of Great ...

This composition sheds some light on "Play With the Best Video Game System and Spend Hours of Great Fun". While a large amount of the time this topic has not been awarded it's due portion in the media nevertheless at the present common people are talking about Console Systems and sharing wisdom regarding Console Systems. Experts recommend that if the subject is important to you then you got to read it with complete awareness and not scan over the writing.

This piece of writing is effort of Abraham David. If you would like to take this write-up please link back to this web page. Article on "Play With the Best Video Game System and Spend Hours of Great Fun" starts after this.

Article Starts from Here:

Video games are one of the best forms of entertainment today. With it, you can really make your imagination come alive and become an entirely different character that fights monsters from different planets or be a Formula 1 race car driver.

To play these games, you usually go to the mall and play it on the arcade. In the arcade, you will see different games available. Some are even placed on realistic cars or fighter planes that are designed to follow every move you make. For example, if you play in a fighter plane, you will see that the machine will follow the plane?s movements, when you bank your plane right, you will feel the machine that you?re in move right too, if you pull up, you will feel that the machine will also point up.

Some of the arcade games even have a vibration feedback to alert you that you?re being hit by the enemy. There are even two player modes where you can go head to head with your friends in a dog fight or you can do cooperative missions where your friend can be your wingman. There are a lot more arcade games available.

However, you can?t go to the arcade everyday because doing so can be too expensive. Therefore, you should buy your own video gaming console where you can play right in your own home. Although it won?t contain all the realistic machines that you can find in the arcade, you can still have that great graphics and sound quality in the games.

Before we continue with the article let me reveal that anything in this piece of writing on "Play With the Best Video Game System and Spend Hours of Great Fun"is my view, please perform your research ahead of taking any action. Please inquire a specialist of the applicable field. is not responsible for any damages of any kind that may arise from applying information contained in this article.

Another great thing about buying your own gaming console is that you can have flexibility in selecting your games. There are a wide variety of games available that is not yet available or impossible to put in arcades.

In order to maximize enjoyment when you buy a video gaming system, you want to get the best. However, you may wonder what makes a good gaming console. With the number of gaming consoles available in the market today, people get confused on which gaming console they should purchase. The competition makes gaming console manufacturers develop the latest graphics and sound technology and integrate them in their systems making all the different kinds of gaming consoles in the market really stand out.

In the past, crude graphics and simple sounds were the ones available in the market. And, it was really popular. Today, quite a few gaming console manufacturers are now manufacturing the latest gaming consoles with integrated features that can even rival the power of your home personal computer.

Sega, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony are four of the big names in the gaming console industry. They create the best gaming consoles in the market and really took the world by storm with each new version released. When you play in these consoles, you will know that it can really give quality entertainment for you and your family. When you have the time, you will spend hours on playing an action packed game with amazing realism and sound quality.

To answer the question on what makes a gaming system the best is not just about the sound quality and the graphics technology integrated on the system. Before you buy a gaming console, make sure that the gaming console has a lot of game titles supported. Besides, people would rather choose a gaming console where thousands of different games are available rather than purchasing a gaming console that only supports a few hundred games. You would eventually grow tired or bored of the only few hundred games available in a particular gaming console.

With thousands of gaming titles you can choose from, you can simply buy another game title if you get bored with your other games.

Another thing you should look for in a gaming console today is if it has additional add-on gadgets that you can connect. Some gaming consoles have memory cards that you can buy for you to save your progress in case you want to continue playing later on. Some have different joysticks that you can plug in for a more realistic feel for the game. For example, if you want your racing game feel more realistic, you can purchase a steering wheel with gas and brake pedals and if you want your fighter plane simulator, you can purchase a joystick that looks similar to fighter plane controls.

There are even gaming consoles that are integrated with a modem. This gaming console can give you the capability to connect to the internet and play with other players across the world.

If you choose a video gaming system that has all these features, you purchased the best video game system available. With the continuing development of different gaming consoles, who knows what other features it may bring.

Thanks for taking a look at this peace of writing from Abraham. Please link to this webpage if you want to use this article anywhere. I hope you appreciated what I wrote on "Play With the Best Video Game System and Spend Hours of Great Fun". I would be pleased to know what you think regarding it, negative or optimistic. Please leave a comment below and show me you're alive.

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Friday, September 16, 2011

7 Most Effective Self Defense Techniques. | Self Improvement ...

The Abortion (Anne Sexton)

Somebody who should have been born
is gone.

Just as the earth puckered its mouth,
each bud puffing out from its knot,
I changed my shoes, and then drove south.

Up past the Blue Mountains, where
Pennsylvania humps on endlessly,
wearing, like a crayoned cat, its green hair,

its roads sunken in like a gray washboard;
where, in truth, the ground cracks evilly,
a dark socket from which the coal has poured,

Somebody who should have been born
is gone.

the grass as bristly and stout as chives,
and me wondering when the ground would break,
and me wondering how anything fragile survives;

up in Pennsylvania, I met a little man,
not Rumpelstiltskin, at all, at all...
he took the fullness that love began.

Returning north, even the sky grew thin
like a high window looking nowhere.
The road was as flat as a sheet of tin.

Somebody who should have been born
is gone.

Yes, woman, such logic will lead
to loss without death. Or say what you meant,
you coward...this baby that I bleed.

Powered by Poems and Poetry


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Thursday, September 15, 2011

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kensington's SecureBack case is like The Club for iPads (video)

Kensington already came out and admitted that employees don't actually use the locks handed to them on their first day of work. And yet, it's betting folks will want to swaddle their iPads in a thick layer of plastic and chain them to their desks. That, in a nutshell, is the idea behind the SecureBack, an iPad 2 case that allows you to lock down the tablet, armor and all, just as you would a laptop. That beaut you see up there is a three-part affair, with two pieces of plastic that come together to cover the back and are held together by a sliding slat. That's just the case, mind, you -- to lock it down you'll also need one of Kensington's ClickSafe locks, which the company already makes for laptops. It's up for pre-order now, with a standard version fetching $50 and a souped-up one with a kickstand going for $70. If you don't already have a compatible lock, you can also buy one bundled with the case, with that extra hardware adding thirty bucks to the cost. Full PR and a demo video after the break because really, what's more hypnotic than watching a set of hands dissemble a case?

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Kensington's SecureBack case is like The Club for iPads (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 00:01:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Custom Graphics From Flarrow | Article Directory

Wayne Gretzky, Bobby Orr, Mario Lemieux, and many other hockey legends began their brilliant hockey careers skating on a frozen pond in Canada. The cold winter and the breeze in the air are symbols to the patrons of Martintown and beyond that it is time to lace up the skates and hit the hockey rink. The game of hockey is fast paced and enjoyable for every member of the family. A custom hockey stick with designer custom graphics from Flarrow is a great way to start a hockey career or help a veteran regain his or her edge at the rink. The custom hockey sticks with designer graphics make great birthday and holiday gifts for every hockey player on your team.

The Flaro family founded DHM Sports Ltd. and has been involved in the manufacturing and outsourcing of sporting equipment for over 40 years. Over the last forty years DHM Sports Ltd. has produced the highest quality products, including custom hockey sticks, equipment, and helmets with designer custom graphics. Companies such as Bauer, Flite, Graf, have successfully worked with the Flaro Family and DHM Sports Ltd.

Almost three quarters of a century ago, on a frozen pond just outside the tiny Eastern Ontario Town of Martintown a 4 year old Donald Flaro purchased his first hockey stick. Donald fell in love with the game instantly and wanted to bring his enthusiasm to many others. Donald Flaro?s passion for the game and creating top notch hockey equipment passed to down his six sons and one daughter. Donald Flaro the founder of Martinville hockey passed away on July 12, 1994, but DHM Sports Ltd. has continues to the family tradition of building custom hockey sticks with designer custom graphics that players around the globe are using. Just let DHM Sports Ltd. use their graphics to zest up your goaltending equipment today.

DHM Sports Ltd offers graphics for all the goaltenders in the crowd. Goalie sticks, masks, and pads can all be upgraded with graphics. Imagine the goalie having matching graphics on his or her equipment now that would be just plan cool. DHM?s hockey sticks can be created with designer graphics for the ice or the ruggedness of street hockey. The sticks and helmets can be designed with graphics appealing to players of any age. The custom hockey sticks bring life and personality to an individual?s stick. The hockey players stick is his or her tool of the trade; and whether it is a team logo or a special color or symbol let DHM Sports Ltd. design your hockey stick to match your personality. DHM Sports Ltd offers the hockey player custom graphics that are second to none and help bring pizzazz to a hockey player.

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