Monday, February 25, 2013

Crowdsourcing the WUWT Paleoclimate Reference Page | Watts Up ... ? Click the pic to view at source

Image Credit: Jo Nova ? David Lappi ? GISP2

Your help is needed in building the new WUWT Paleoclimate Reference Page. Below I?ve posted all of the credible 3rd party paleoclimate graphs I?ve compiled thus far, but I am sure there are lots more. As such, please post links to any credible paleoclimate data sources below or in comments of the WUWT Paleoclimate Reference Page and we will review them for inclusion. Also, your thoughts on the provenance of the graphs included thus far, links to the papers they are based upon, and appropriate titles for each graph would be most appreciated.

In terms of additional graphs for?potential inclusion, I struggled with shorter term reconstructions, as many of them are still a matter of controversy. As such, please post any pertinent information, including any credible graphs illustrating the last few millennia and the Medieval Warming Period. For reference, there are an array of less than ideal options available on the bottom of this NOAA NCDC page. From a cursory review, I found the summary for Overpeck et. al 1997 to be enlightening, e.g.;

?Together, they indicate that the Arctic has warmed up to 1.5?C since 1850 ? the coolest interval of the Arctic ?Little Ice Age.? Much of the recent Arctic warming took place between 1850 and 1920, most likely due to natural processes?

However, after Overpeck the ?Team? went to work, i.e. Briffa et al., 1998, Jones et al., 1998, Mann et al., 1998, Pollack et al., 1998, Jones et al., 1998, Mann et al., 1999, Mann et al., 2000, Briffa et al., 2001, Esper et al., 2002 and Jones and Mann 2004, and paleoclimatology became a quite a sordid science. The IPCC?s 2007 contribution in AR4 section, brought things to a new low when they appear to have pasted a thick black HadCRUT2 line onto some kindergartner?s art project?:


Anyway, it is also interesting to note that the NOAA NCDC site doesn?t seem to include any reconstructions after 2006, while there has been much valuable paleoclimate research conducted since then, e.g.:

Ljungqvist, F. C., Krusic, P. J., Brattstr?m, G., and Sundqvist, H. S (2012).: Northern Hemisphere temperature patterns in the last 12 centuries, Clim. Past, 8, 227-249, doi:10.5194/cp-8-227-2012, 2012. See JoNova, CO2Science and?Abstract at Clim-Past.

Christiansen, B. and Ljungqvist F. C. (2012). The extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere temperature in the last two millennia: reconstructions of low-frequency variability. Climate of the Past JoNova 1, JoNova 2, Abstract at Clim-Past

JoNova has a good article on some of these more recent reconstructions. Also, in addition to reconstructions, we have temperature records from the Met Office 1 and 2, as well as NOAA, but these surface temperature records are burdened with issues of questionable siting, changes in siting, changes in equipment, changes in the number of measurement locations, modeling to fill in gaps in measurement locations, corrections to account for missing, erroneous or biased measurements, and the urban heat island effect.

With that for background, the following are the graphs currently included in the WUWT Paleoclimate Reference Page:

600 Years Arctic Temperature

NOAA NCDC ? Click the pic to view at source

1,100 Years Ljungqvist et al

CO2Science.Org ? Click the pic to view at source

1,100 Years Ljungqvist et al ? Click the pic to view at source

1,100 Years Kirkby 2007

Imageshack ? Click the pic to view at source

2,000 Years ? J. Esper et al.

J. Esper et al. ? Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) ? Click the pic to view at source

2,000 Years Christiansen ? Click the pic to view at source

2,000 Years Christiansen ? Click the pic to view at source

10,000 Years GISP2 Ice Core ? Click the pic to view at source

11,000 years GISP2 Temperature Since 10700 BP with CO2 from EPICA DomeC ? Ole Humlum ? Professor, University of Oslo Department of Geosciences ? Click the pic to view at source

120,000 Years

University of Michigan?s ? Global Change Program ? Click the pic to view at source

140,000 Years Antarctic/Vostok

TBD ? Click the pic to view at source

150,000 years Taylor Dome -Ross, Antarctica E. J. Steig, et al 1999:

E. J. Steig, et al ? University of Washington Click the pic to view at source

400,000 Years Antarctica/Vostok

CDIAC ORNL ? Click the pic to view at source

450,000 Years Temperature Anomaly ? Ole Humlum ? Professor, University of Oslo Department of Geosciences ? Click the pic to view at source

750,000 Years Rate of Change of Ice Volume and June 65N Insolation

TBD ? Click the pic to view at source

800,000 Years Orbital and Millennial Antarctic Climate Variability

NOAA ? National Climate Data Center ? Click the pic to view at source

800,000 Years Orbital and Millennial Antarctic Climate Variability

University of Michigan?s ? Global Change Program ? Click the pic to view at source

1,000,000 Years ? Click the pic to view at source

5,500,000 Years Antarctica/Vostok Temperature

5,500,000 Years Antarctica/Vostok Temperature ? Reversed ? Click the pic to view at source

[Which version of the above two graphs do you prefer?}

65,000,000 Years ? Click the pic to view at source

540,000,000 Years ? Click the pic to view at source

543,000,000 Years Area of Continents Flooded, Concentration of CO2 and Temperature Fluctuations

Nasif Nahle 2009 ? ? Click the pic to view at source

600,000,000 Years ? C. R. Scotese and R. A. Berner

C. R. Scotese and R. A. Berner ? ? Click the pic to view at source

(Please note that WUWT cannot vouch for the accuracy of the data/graphics within this article, nor influence the format or form of any of the graphics, as they are all linked from third party sources and WUWT is simply an aggregator. You can view each graphic at its source by simply clicking on it.)

Please post your thoughts, recommendations, graphs, links, research, suggested graph titles, etc., for the WUWT Paleoclimate Reference Page in comments. Thanks JTF

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