Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The rebirth of a Texas barbecue legend - CultureMap Austin

Texas loves two things: barbecue and rebels. John Mueller has the market cornered on both. It's the second comeback saga for John Mueller, marked by the sell-out grand opening of John Mueller Meat Co. on Saturday, February 23.

As the mercurial barbecue scion of the Louie Mueller BBQ clan from Taylor, Texas, Mueller first came to Austin in the current Salty Sow space in 2001. After a good few years, Mueller's building (which he was renting) was sold. He smoked all the meat he had left and closed up shop at the end of the week. Down on his luck, Mueller disappeared?from the barbecue scene and found refuge in alcohol. That easily could have been the end of the story.

In 2009, a young man named Aaron Franklin, one of Mueller's cash register operators, bought his pit with the intent to set up his own trailer. Within a couple of years, Franklin BBQ was national news. Add the advent of foodie-ism and the resurgence in carnivorism, and the stage was set for a barbecue revival. In the fall of 2011, Mueller set up shop on South First Street, smoking brisket, ribs and sausage like he learned from the family business. Franklin would sell out at 11:30 a.m., Mueller at 12:30 p.m.

It was the classic American comeback story. Even better, Mueller had always been a volatile personality, and each pound of brisket came with a mouthful of lip ? it was a perfect combination. Texas Monthly stuck him on the cover, and he told of his familial falling outs, his descent into alcoholism. The problems were all in the past tense. Mueller's trailer was a hot commodity and Austin barbecue was entering a golden age.

But things didn't proceed smoothly. It's almost as if Mueller wasn't made for happy endings. His sister, a partner in the venture, kicked him out of the trailer that bore his name. And she did so as publicly as possible. He left Austin again in the fall of 2012.

Mueller wound up in Shiner, Texas, and it wasn't long before he was cooking again. He made a deal with an amateur barbecue enthusiast in Amarillo to borrow his smoker, who traded him free use of the commercial grade smoker in exchange for shipping briskets up to Amarillo as requested. Not a bad dead for either party.

Four months later, Mueller is back in Austin, smoker in tow. He's kept mum about the family affair, eschewing tell-all interviews and keeping his cards close to his chest. His only comment on the ordeal came subtly ? and beautifully ? in the form of a Davy Crocket paraphrase, written on the back of his new John Mueller Meat Co. shirt: "You may all go to hell. I shall go to?6th &?Pedernales." (Shirts are on sale for $15.)

10:30 a.m. Saturday marked the opening of his new John Mueller Meat Co trailer, with a line 30 yards down Pedernales. For those arriving at opening time (like myself), it would be a good two hours before hitting the front of the line.

John Mueller is officially back. His beard has added an inch and gained a conspicuous patch of gray for all his recent troubles. His skin has continued its transformation of moving one step closer to the texture of worn boot leather. And his mouth still runs like a well oiled machine.

Mueller's element is not throwing briskets on the pit at 3:30 a.m. or tending fires with a plug of Copenhagen in his lip. No, he seems happiest when handing out free beers to the folks in the back of line. And on a warm February day with the smell of meat in the air, it was much appreciated.

Three beers later (and after a few hours of conversation with hungry strangers about the differences between Texas and Tennessee barbecue), we made it to the front of the line. When the waiting line is so pleasant (and supplemented with beer), the barbecue itself can almost feel like an afterthought.

That is, until we began to eat. If you haven't eaten Mueller's barbecue, you may think the whole saga is little more than Kardashian fare: a lot of hype, a little substance. But Texas has all too many whiskey loving outlaws, and Mueller has earned his reputation based on skill. His barbecue is phenomenal. It's easily some of the best in the country. The brisket falls apart in your hands, and Anthony Bourdain?is convinced of Mueller's mastery of the beef short ribs: "Don't even try and tell me that anyone does that shit better... ?Absolutely freaking awesome."

Some things never change. Mueller's barbecue hasn't missed a step ? it's a homerun rivaled by very few in the state. His personality doesn't seem to have changed a drop either. But here's hoping that it has, at least in some small way: Mueller needs to be smoking meat, and triple comebacks are officially not part of the great American redemption story. ?

John Mueller Meat Co. is the third barbecue joint in Austin to bear his name in the past decade, but this one seems destined to stick. Maybe it's the giant Texas flag draped over the proceedings. Maybe it's the beat up East Side confines and backyard party nature of his new digs. Or maybe it's the fact that Austin loves Mueller's barbecue too much to ever let him cool down his pit again.

Mueller is the cowboy in black, and he's earned his status as a barbecue legend. Here's hoping it can last.


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Monday, February 25, 2013

Crowdsourcing the WUWT Paleoclimate Reference Page | Watts Up ... ? Click the pic to view at source

Image Credit: Jo Nova ? David Lappi ? GISP2

Your help is needed in building the new WUWT Paleoclimate Reference Page. Below I?ve posted all of the credible 3rd party paleoclimate graphs I?ve compiled thus far, but I am sure there are lots more. As such, please post links to any credible paleoclimate data sources below or in comments of the WUWT Paleoclimate Reference Page and we will review them for inclusion. Also, your thoughts on the provenance of the graphs included thus far, links to the papers they are based upon, and appropriate titles for each graph would be most appreciated.

In terms of additional graphs for?potential inclusion, I struggled with shorter term reconstructions, as many of them are still a matter of controversy. As such, please post any pertinent information, including any credible graphs illustrating the last few millennia and the Medieval Warming Period. For reference, there are an array of less than ideal options available on the bottom of this NOAA NCDC page. From a cursory review, I found the summary for Overpeck et. al 1997 to be enlightening, e.g.;

?Together, they indicate that the Arctic has warmed up to 1.5?C since 1850 ? the coolest interval of the Arctic ?Little Ice Age.? Much of the recent Arctic warming took place between 1850 and 1920, most likely due to natural processes?

However, after Overpeck the ?Team? went to work, i.e. Briffa et al., 1998, Jones et al., 1998, Mann et al., 1998, Pollack et al., 1998, Jones et al., 1998, Mann et al., 1999, Mann et al., 2000, Briffa et al., 2001, Esper et al., 2002 and Jones and Mann 2004, and paleoclimatology became a quite a sordid science. The IPCC?s 2007 contribution in AR4 section, brought things to a new low when they appear to have pasted a thick black HadCRUT2 line onto some kindergartner?s art project?:


Anyway, it is also interesting to note that the NOAA NCDC site doesn?t seem to include any reconstructions after 2006, while there has been much valuable paleoclimate research conducted since then, e.g.:

Ljungqvist, F. C., Krusic, P. J., Brattstr?m, G., and Sundqvist, H. S (2012).: Northern Hemisphere temperature patterns in the last 12 centuries, Clim. Past, 8, 227-249, doi:10.5194/cp-8-227-2012, 2012. See JoNova, CO2Science and?Abstract at Clim-Past.

Christiansen, B. and Ljungqvist F. C. (2012). The extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere temperature in the last two millennia: reconstructions of low-frequency variability. Climate of the Past JoNova 1, JoNova 2, Abstract at Clim-Past

JoNova has a good article on some of these more recent reconstructions. Also, in addition to reconstructions, we have temperature records from the Met Office 1 and 2, as well as NOAA, but these surface temperature records are burdened with issues of questionable siting, changes in siting, changes in equipment, changes in the number of measurement locations, modeling to fill in gaps in measurement locations, corrections to account for missing, erroneous or biased measurements, and the urban heat island effect.

With that for background, the following are the graphs currently included in the WUWT Paleoclimate Reference Page:

600 Years Arctic Temperature

NOAA NCDC ? Click the pic to view at source

1,100 Years Ljungqvist et al

CO2Science.Org ? Click the pic to view at source

1,100 Years Ljungqvist et al ? Click the pic to view at source

1,100 Years Kirkby 2007

Imageshack ? Click the pic to view at source

2,000 Years ? J. Esper et al.

J. Esper et al. ? Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) ? Click the pic to view at source

2,000 Years Christiansen ? Click the pic to view at source

2,000 Years Christiansen ? Click the pic to view at source

10,000 Years GISP2 Ice Core ? Click the pic to view at source

11,000 years GISP2 Temperature Since 10700 BP with CO2 from EPICA DomeC ? Ole Humlum ? Professor, University of Oslo Department of Geosciences ? Click the pic to view at source

120,000 Years

University of Michigan?s ? Global Change Program ? Click the pic to view at source

140,000 Years Antarctic/Vostok

TBD ? Click the pic to view at source

150,000 years Taylor Dome -Ross, Antarctica E. J. Steig, et al 1999:

E. J. Steig, et al ? University of Washington Click the pic to view at source

400,000 Years Antarctica/Vostok

CDIAC ORNL ? Click the pic to view at source

450,000 Years Temperature Anomaly ? Ole Humlum ? Professor, University of Oslo Department of Geosciences ? Click the pic to view at source

750,000 Years Rate of Change of Ice Volume and June 65N Insolation

TBD ? Click the pic to view at source

800,000 Years Orbital and Millennial Antarctic Climate Variability

NOAA ? National Climate Data Center ? Click the pic to view at source

800,000 Years Orbital and Millennial Antarctic Climate Variability

University of Michigan?s ? Global Change Program ? Click the pic to view at source

1,000,000 Years ? Click the pic to view at source

5,500,000 Years Antarctica/Vostok Temperature

5,500,000 Years Antarctica/Vostok Temperature ? Reversed ? Click the pic to view at source

[Which version of the above two graphs do you prefer?}

65,000,000 Years ? Click the pic to view at source

540,000,000 Years ? Click the pic to view at source

543,000,000 Years Area of Continents Flooded, Concentration of CO2 and Temperature Fluctuations

Nasif Nahle 2009 ? ? Click the pic to view at source

600,000,000 Years ? C. R. Scotese and R. A. Berner

C. R. Scotese and R. A. Berner ? ? Click the pic to view at source

(Please note that WUWT cannot vouch for the accuracy of the data/graphics within this article, nor influence the format or form of any of the graphics, as they are all linked from third party sources and WUWT is simply an aggregator. You can view each graphic at its source by simply clicking on it.)

Please post your thoughts, recommendations, graphs, links, research, suggested graph titles, etc., for the WUWT Paleoclimate Reference Page in comments. Thanks JTF

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Brazil seeks to boost Nigeria energy ties Rousseff

West Australian Saturday 23rd February, 2013

ABUJA (AFP) - Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff said Saturday that her government will seek to boost energy ties with Nigeria, Africa's top oil producer, after meeting President Goodluck Jonathan in Abuja.Nigeria is Brazil's main commercial partner in Africa, with bilateral trade soaring from $1.5 billion (1.1 billion euros) in 2002 to $9 billion last year.Brazil's state-owned oil company Petrobras has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in Nigeria's coal, oil, natural gas and alternative energy sectors."Petrobras... has its intention to further expand involvement in Nigeria," Rousseff sa...

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

New type of gene that regulates tumour suppressor PTEN identified

Feb. 24, 2013 ? Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have identified a new so-called pseudogene that regulates the tumour-suppressing PTEN gene. They hope that this pseudogene will be able to control PTEN to reverse the tumour process, make the cancer tumour more sensitive to chemotherapy and to prevent the development of resistance.

The findings, which are published in the scientific journal Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, can be of significance in the future development of cancer drugs.

The development of tumours coincides with the activation of several cancer genes as well as the inactivation of other tumour-suppressing genes owing to damage to the DNA and to the fact that the cancer cells manage to switch off the transcription of tumour-suppressor genes. To identify what might be regulating this silencing, the researchers studied PTEN, one of the most commonly inactivated tumour-suppressor genes. It has long been believed that the switching-off process is irreversible, but the team has now shown that silenced PTEN genes in tumour cells can be 'rescued' and re-activated by a 'pseudogene', a type of gene that, unlike normal genes, does not encode an entire protein.

"We identified a new non-protein encoding pseudogene, which determines whether the expression of PTEN is to be switched on or off," says research team member Per Johnsson, doctoral student at Karolinska Institutet's Department of Oncology-Pathology. "What makes this case spectacular is that the gene only produces RNA, the protein's template. It is this RNA that, through a sequence of mechanisms, regulates PTEN. Pseudogenes have been known about for many years, but it was thought that they were only junk material."

No less than 98 per cent of human DNA consists of non-protein encoding genes (i.e. pseudogenes), and by studying these formerly neglected genes the researchers have begun to understand that they are very important and can have an effect without encoding proteins. Using model systems, the team has shown that the new pseudogene can control the expression of PTEN and make tumours more responsive to conventional chemotherapy.

"This means that we might one day be able to re-programme cancer cells to proliferate less, become more normal, and that resistance to chemotherapy can hopefully be avoided," says Per Johnsson. "We also believe that our findings can be very important for the future development of cancer drugs. What we're seeing here is just the tip of the iceberg. The human genome conceals no less than 15,000 or so pseudogenes, and it's not unreasonable to think that many of them are relevant to diseases such as cancer."

The study was conducted in collaboration with scientists at The Scripps Research Institute, USA, and the University of New South Wales, Australia, and was made possible with grants from the Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation, the Swedish Cancer Society, the Cancer Research Funds of Radiumhemmet, Karolinska Institutet's KID programme for doctoral studies, the Swedish Research Council, the Erik and Edith Fernstr?m Foundation for Medical Research, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Karolinska Institutet, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Per Johnsson, Amanda Ackley, Linda Vidarsdottir, Weng-Onn Lui, Martin Corcoran, Dan Grand?r, Kevin V Morris. A pseudogene long-noncoding-RNA network regulates PTEN transcription and translation in human cells. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2013; DOI: 10.1038/nsmb.2516

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Oscar Pistorius bail hearing nearing decision

PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) ? The defense and prosecution both completed their arguments Friday in Oscar Pistorius' bail hearing, with the magistrate soon to rule if the double-amputee athlete can be freed or if he must stay behind bars pending trial in the shooting death of his girlfriend.

The prosecution vehemently opposed bail to Chief Magistrate Desmond Nair in a case that has transfixed South Africans and brought international media attention to the nation's justice system and police capabilities.

Pistorius is charged with one count of premeditated murder in the Feb. 14 killing of Reeva Steenkamp. He says he accidentally shot her, thinking she was a dangerous intruder inside his home, lurking in a toilet stall off his bedroom.

Pistorius' hands trembled as he said "good morning, your worship" as the session began in Magistrate's Court in Pretoria, South Africa's capital. For the first time in the hearing, two representatives of the Steenkamp family were present in court, sitting behind and to the left of Pistorius in the public gallery.

Prosecutor Gerrie Nel called Pistorius' version that he shot Steenkamp accidentally improbable and argued that Pistorius did not have to have planned the killing for days in advance for it to be premediated.

"He planned it that night when she (Steenkamp) locked herself in (the toilet)," Nel said in response to a question from the magistrate on why Pistorius hadn't staged a break-in at his home to make his story look more believable. "The fact that we have only one survivor of that tragic night is difficult for the state."

Pistorius' defense lawyer, Barry Roux, brought up culpable homicide as a possible charge for the first time in the case when answering questions from the magistrate.

"He did not want to kill Reeva. He had no intent to kill Reeva," Roux said as Pistorius began weeping again ? like he has done for much of his bail hearing.

Roux said it was impossible for Pistorius, as famous as he is and with his prostheses, to escape South Africa before trial and bail should be granted.

"Let me tell you how difficult it is for this man to disappear from this world," Roux said.

Prosecutor Nel earlier countered that everyone, whether disabled or famous or otherwise different from the majority, should be treated equally under the law. Nel noted that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is famous but is now holed up in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden to face sex-related charges.

Nair, the magistrate, will decide if Pistorius can be freed with conditions or if he is held until trial. Pistorius faces the sternest bail conditions in South Africa because of the seriousness of the murder charge, meaning his defense lawyers have to prove there is an "exceptional" reason for him to be freed.

Stephen Tuson, an adjunct law professor at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg and a practicing attorney, told The Associated Press that poor health, a weak state case or a disability could be reasons to grant bail to a person accused of murder. But the "exceptional" circumstances Pistorius would have to prove to be freed are not established absolutely by law and are applied considering the individual merits of each case.

"(The matter of exceptional reasons) is not defined," Tuson said. "We've had to have this concept expanded by the courts on a case by case basis."

Pistorius' defense has dedicated much of its argument in the bail hearing to questioning the state's case against Pistorius and trying to discredit the police investigation into Steenkamp's shooting. Lead investigator Hilton Botha was removed from the case Thursday following his bungled testimony for the prosecution and replaced by the South African police's top detective, Vinesh Moonoo ? who was in court Friday.

Defense lawyer Roux also stressed Pistorius' disability Friday and said it was one of the reasons why he couldn't easily flee the country.

"He cannot, cannot go unnoticed through airport security. When he goes through the security at the airport, there's every time a commotion because the system would react," Roux said. He added that Pistorius also needs medical treatment for his stumps and has to have his prostheses adjusted on a monthly basis.

In arguing against bail, Nel sought to portray Pistorius as a spoiled celebrity with an inflated sense of self who believed he was above the law. Nel also said selfishness could be driving expressions of remorse by suspects such as Pistorius.

"All that I feel sorry for is myself," Nel said of Pistorius. "I've shot her and my career is done."

Pistorius' longtime coach Ampie Louw had said before proceedings began that he is considering putting his runner back in training if he is granted bail to allow him to "get his mind kind of clear."

Louw said he realizes that the Olympic athlete might not be emotionally ready to give any thought to running.

"The change is that he is heartbroken, that is all," Louw said in the courtroom, surrounded by reporters and television cameras. "For me it is tough to see that. Not to be able to reach out and sit next to him and say 'Sorry, man, it was a terrible accident.' But I cannot do it, I must just sit here in court and that's all.

"The sooner he can start working the better," said Louw, who was the person who convinced the double amputee to take up track as a teenager a decade ago.

He has been held at a police station in Pretoria since last week, but suspects who are denied bail are typically held in a prison.

Roux argued on Thursday that the evidence backs Pistorius' statement that he shot through a toilet door at his home because he mistook Steenkamp for an intruder, killing her by accident.

"I think there will be a level of shock in this country if he is not released (on bail)," Roux said in court.

Opposing bail, Nel argued that Pistorius was too willing to shoot. The prosecution says Pistorius planned to kill his 29-year-old girlfriend, a model and budding reality TV star, after an argument in the early hours of Valentine's Day.

"The reason you fire four shots is to kill," Nel said.

Louw said he might put Pistorius ? who overcame the amputation of his lower legs as a baby to compete at last year's London Olympics ? back on a morning and afternoon training routine if he is freed, believing it might help him to be able to run track again.

"You must give him space," the coach said.


AP Sports Writer Gerald Imray contributed to this report from Johannesburg.


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Friday, February 22, 2013

The Sims 3 Patch v1.47.6 to v1.50.56 for Windows [Digital]

This incremental patch will update the PC digital download edition of The Sims 3 from version to version

IMPORTANT: The Super Patcher is designed to work with the base game of any version number and any game region. After applying the cumulative patch your base game will be brought to version 1.42.130. To verify the base game version number, run the launcher and then hover the mouse pointer over the base game icon located in the bottom left corner of the launcher window.

Note that the standalone cumulative patch is self executable, meaning you can simply download it to your Windows desktop or elsewhere and run the setup installer directly. Other than ensuring that the game and launcher are not running, no further setup is required.

If you should receive a patch error message stating that the installed version of the game could not be determined, it is advised that you run the patcher as an administrator. You can do this by logging into Windows via an administrator account or by right-clicking on the patch installer and then selecting "Run as Administrator."

Game update 1.50
POSTED ON 02/19/13 05:00 PM
To install this update, please start your game and use the ???Updates??? tab in your Launcher.

This game update includes the following changes:

Free Sims 3 Base Game Content

Sims can now dumpster dive from the Commercial Dumpster pre-placed in Sunset Valley and find cool items including furniture and collectables!
New air conditioning units and electrical box decorative objects.
New Terrain Paint for Build Mode.
A new traffic light for Create a World.

Base Game Updates

Sims, cats, dogs, and horses will animate properly rather than sliding into position when performing social interactions.
Sims will no longer occasionally flip or stutter when trying to walk through doorways.
Gifts sent by invalid NPC Sims will no longer cause the mailbox to become unusable.
The Fog Emitter that came with The Sims 3 Ambitions has been updated to transition properly to the new base game Fog Emitter object. Any lots created with The Sims 3 Ambitions fog emitters that were installed since the release of The Sims 3 Seasons will have to be reinstalled for the emitter effects to play properly. There is no need to re-upload any content to The Sims 3 Exchange ??? all content created with either The Sims 3 Ambitions fog emitter or the new base game fog emitter will work properly when installed after this update is applied.
The Fog Emitter is once again moveable once placed in the world.
Placing blueprints on foundations can no longer cause the game to crash.
Placing a blueprint in a high rise or an apartment building can no longer cause the game to crash.
Using the right mouse button to position the camera while previewing blueprints will now function properly.
Greeting Cards placed in the home will no longer block Sims from accessing dressers or beds.
Foundation walls are now considered to be light blocking. This prevents snow from accumulating within holes in a foundation that are entirely enclosed within the interior of a building.
Sims that already had the hidden diving skill prior to game update 1.42 will now be able to use diving boards.
Broken Omni Plant gift boxes will no longer appear in the Sims inventory when travelling between worlds.

Ambitions Updates

Ghosts will now properly appear for level 5 Ghost Hunters so they can continue their career progression.

Late Night Updates

Deleting doors to NPC apartments can no longer cause the game to crash.
Sims will now animate properly when selecting to dance together in clubs from The Sims 3 Late Night when The Sims 3 Supernatural is not installed.
Improved performance in Bridgeport related to Sim routing.

Generations Updates

Pillow Fight wishes will appear much less frequently.

Showtime Updates

The Park performance venue will now properly place in older save files created before installing The Sims 3 Showtime and any later expansions or stuff packs.
Karaoke Machine wishes will appear much less frequently.
The Heckle interaction is no longer available in Sims swimming in the ocean.

Seasons Updates

Sims can now route properly on floor tiles built above a frozen water surface.
Hot Dog and Pie Eating contests can no longer ironically cause a Sim to starve to death.
Harvestable plants that are grown indoors can no longer become dormant or accumulate snow.
Harvestable plants grown inside biodomes will no longer turn dormant in freezing temperatures.
Harvestable plants will now always be watered during a rainstorm rather than the check only occurring once per day.
UFOs can now abduct Sims from households that don???t have enough room for the UFO to appear on the lot.
Sims will no longer become invisible if The Sims 3 Seasons is uninstalled with a save game created while a Sim is being abducted by aliens.
Festival Grounds are now valid destinations for sending a Sim to perform through SimPort for players with The Sims 3 Showtime.
Sims animations are properly reset when editing an active Festival Grounds lot.
Performance was improved when selecting the ???Invade a Community Lot??? interaction on the UFO.
Performance was improved when directing Sims to have a Water Balloon or Snowball fight on a cluttered lot.
Ice sculptures from The Sims 3 Ambitions no longer melt in sub-freezing temperatures.
NPCs that throw parties in the winter will no longer select Swimwear as the suggested clothing.
Saving the game prior to a NPC Sim???s costume party will no longer cause Sims to reset upon loading the save file. Frost no longer appears to be a pure white surface on floor tiles or staircases on low detail lots.
Reflective surfaces no longer suddenly pop back on when snow is melting.
Rain drops from roof edges now fade out along with the roof.
Water Balloon and Snowball fights are now easier to cancel from the action queue.
Gloves no longer appear twice when selecting Outerwear.
Sims can now be in the rain without an umbrella for a longer period of time before receiving the Soaked moodlet.
The frequency of alien abductions (without user intervention to increase chances) has been lowered.
The frequency of aliens visiting the player???s household (without user intervention to increase chances) has been lowered. They will however still visit the world at the same frequency.
The frequency of getting called by an NPC Sim to go out on a date has been lowered.
The frequency of umbrellas breaking has been lowered.


Lemons and eggplants will now show up in the Collection Journal.
Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll, Lord Vladimir???s Magic Cauldron, Soothsayer???s Crystal Ball, and Lady Ravendancer Goth???s Book o??? Spells will all now give skills introduced in The Sims 3 Supernatural.
Fixed issues that occurred when trying to reinstall store lots.

Before installing an Update for The Sims 3, an Expansion Pack, or a Stuff Pack, it is a good idea to run through the following checklist to ensure your game continues to work smoothly.
If you have any questions about the below steps, please visit the Technical Support forum on the official Sims 3 community found at this URL:

Step 1: Disable Custom Content
Custom Content is all Sims content that did not come from an official The Sims 3 Update, The Sims 3 Store, Expansion Pack, or Stuff Pack. Custom Content is created by 3rd Party Developers that are not regulated by Electronic Arts or The Sims 3 Development Team and may not work with new updates. Custom Content may cause the game to behave unexpectedly or not function entirely.
To disable your custom content, undo whatever you did to install this content to get your game back into an unmodified state. If you placed it in a Sims 3 directory folder, move it to a new folder that is outside your Sims 3 file directory. Your Sims 3 file directory can be found using the paths listed below:
Windows File Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\USER\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3
Mac File Directory: User/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims/
Once you have installed the official update you may re-enable your custom content. If you experience problems, disable it again until the 3rd party developer updates their content to work with the official Update, Expansion Pack, or Stuff Pack.

Step 2: Back Up your Save Files
It???s always a good precaution to back up your save files before installing an Expansion Pack, Update, or Stuff Pack. To do this, copy the ???.sims3??? folders found in the Saves folder onto your desktop or another file directory.
Your Sims 3 Saves folder can be found using the paths listed below:
Windows File Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\USER\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Saves
Mac File Directory: User/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims/Saves
After the Update is installed, run the game to verify your saves still function correctly.

Step 3: Let the Update Complete Entirely
Updates can sometimes be rather large and may take a while to download and install completely. Cancelling the update before it has completed may cause unexpected problems, so it is always best to let it finish entirely. Do not close the Launcher until you have confirmed the update is completely installed, as this will cancel the update.


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Satechi Aluminum External Hard Disk Enclosure

By Ahmer Kazi While portable hard drives and flash drives are ubiquitous because of their convenience, it's not hard to imagine that some folks might still have a few internal 2.5-inch drives sitting around the office. The Satechi Aluminum External Hard Disk Enclosure ($39.99) is a quick and affordable way to access those drives without having to install it into a desktop. It also boasts versatility since it can accommodate both 9.5mm and 12.5mm 2.5-inch SATA HDDs and SSDs, respectively.

Design and Features
Measuring 0.6 by 3.5 by 5.3 inches (HWD), the Aluminum External Hard Disk Enclosure can easily be confused for an ordinary external hard drive thanks to its rectangular shape and curved edges. That is, until you pick it up and realize that it only weighs 6.8 ounces and has an oddly hollow feeling to it. At any rate, it's tough to deny the aesthetic appeal of its aluminum alloy case and brushed metallic finish. Regardless of which color you choose, the end result is a handsome drive enclosure (my review unit was silver). More importantly, the aluminum alloy casing is thick enough to protect your drive, and it accordingly feels reassuringly sturdy in the hand.

Three sides of the Satechi Aluminum External Hard Disk Enclosure's four rounded edges are ringed by black plastic. The bottom of the enclosure sports a USB 3.0 port (also backward-compatible with USB 2.0) and an eSATA output. A pink light is emitted from an LED activity light between these ports, and it flashes blue whenever the drive is in use. The top, meanwhile, has a push button that opens a swivel arm on the enclosure's right side. Swinging the swivel arm open lets the user insert a drive in the enclosure. Since pulling out the swivel arm automatically pushes the inserted drive upward toward the user, removing it is just as easy. The only issue I encountered here concerns the closing mechanism. Instead of simply snapping shut, the mechanism forces the user to hold the open button down while simultaneously moving the arm inward. It's a minor annoyance that doesn't preclude one-handed operation, though, and it's easily outweighed by the simplicity of the devices's tool-free design.

The Aluminum External Hard Disk Enclosure is compatible with Windows (98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7/8) and Mac (OS 10.2 and above). It's covered by a one-year warranty.

Testing the External Hard Disk Enclosure revealed that it functions exactly as one would expect. I popped in a 750GB Seagate Momentus XT HDD and a 240GB Intel 520 Series SSD, and encountered no problems with either USB 3.0 or eSATA connections. It's also backwards-compatible, so it can also function via USB 2.0. That said, the USB connection entails using an included Y-cable. I'm not a proponent of Y-cables because they're not as easily replaceable as standard USB cables and needlessly occupy precious USB ports. Moreover, the Aluminum External Hard Disk Enclosure's included Y-cable features disproportionate strand lengths that don't work well for systems whose USB ports aren't in close proximity with one another. Still, I was able to get the drive installed into the External Hard Disk Enclosure to read and write data with just one strand plugged in, so I can't quite envision a scenario where both are necessary.

Since the Aluminum External Hard Disk Enclosure is bus-powered, it doesn't require an external power supply. Once plugged into your system, drives are swappable, so there's no need to disconnect each time a new drive is inserted.

When one thinks of external hard drive enclosures, they typically envision a complicated setup process that requires the use of tools. The Satechi Aluminum Hard Disk Enclosure turns that notion on its head by offering an easy and highly versatile way to put all those spare 2.5-inch drives to use in a safe manner. While it's got a few drawbacks?namely a finicky open/close button and the use of a USB Y-cable?its appeal is nevertheless difficult to deny.


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Monday, February 18, 2013

CastleOS Unveils New Home Automation Software with Microsoft Kinect Integration (18/2/2013)

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CastleOS Unveils New Home Automation Software with Microsoft Kinect Integration (18/2/2013)

The CastleOS home automation software is available for download now, and features the world?s first whole-house voice control system, powered by CastleOS and the Microsoft Kinect?

CastleOS Software, LLC has announced availability of their new home automation software suite, CastleOS, featuring the world?s first whole-house voice control system. CastleOS is the first home automation controller to fully integrate the power of the Microsoft Kinect? and modern home automation systems like Insteon, X10, and soon, Z-Wave and ZigBee, among others.

With this capability, CastleOS allows users to adjust their lighting, HVAC systems, and other devices by simply speaking out loud from anywhere within their home. Imagine sitting down for a movie, and rather than having to stand up to turn off the lights, simply saying out loud, ?Computer, turn off the lights?. Or, tossing and turning in bed because it?s a little too hot, and instead of getting up to adjust the thermostat, saying, ?Computer, turn up the A/C?.

In addition to the voice interface, users can control their home from their phone, tablet, computer, and any other device with a web browser, using the accompanying HTML5 app. The CastleOS app is very simple to use, designed for and tested by homeowners, not tech professionals.

CastleOS also measures the energy use of the homes it?s installed in ? breaking down the energy usage of lighting, HVAC systems, appliances and more. With the usage information provided by CastleOS, energy bills have been easily cut by as much as 10% or more.


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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Clashes mark Bahrain's second uprising anniversary

A Bahraini anti-government protester gestures toward riot police during clashes in Sitra, Bahrain, on Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013. Clashes erupted in several opposition villages around the kingdom on the eve of the second anniversary of a pro-democracy uprising. (AP Photo/Hasan Jamali)

A Bahraini anti-government protester gestures toward riot police during clashes in Sitra, Bahrain, on Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013. Clashes erupted in several opposition villages around the kingdom on the eve of the second anniversary of a pro-democracy uprising. (AP Photo/Hasan Jamali)

A woman and her child watch clashes between anti-government protesters and riot police from their window as a protester hurls a stone toward police in Sitra, Bahrain, on Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013. Clashes erupted in several opposition villages around the kingdom on the eve of the second anniversary of a pro-democracy uprising. Graffiti on the wall reads: "No to dialogue with murderers." (AP Photo/Hasan Jamali)

Riot police clear the way for police vehicles to pass during clashes with anti-government protesters in Sitra, Bahrain, on Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013. Clashes erupted in several opposition villages around the kingdom on the eve of the second anniversary of a pro-democracy uprising. (AP Photo/Hasan Jamali)

A Bahraini anti-government protester wears a headband that reads "steadfast" during clashes with riot police in Sanabis, Bahrain, Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013. Clashes erupted at the end of an anti-government march, when hundreds of youths attempted to reach the heavily guarded site of the 2011 pro-democracy uprising. (AP Photo/Hasan Jamali)

A masked Bahraini anti-government protester confronts riot police who give chase in Sanabis, Bahrain, Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013. Clashes erupted at the end of an anti-government march, when hundreds of youths attempted to reach the heavily guarded site of the 2011 pro-democracy uprising. (AP Photo/Hasan Jamali)

(AP) ? Anti-government protesters in Bahrain have set up roadblocks and clashed with security forces amid high tensions on the second anniversary of the uprising in the Gulf nation.

The demonstrators on Thursday included groups chanting against talks aimed at easing the Arab Spring-inspired unrest in the country.

Bahrain's Shiite majority is seeking a greater political voice in the strategic Sunni-ruled kingdom, which is home to the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet.

Street battles broke out before dawn in some Shiite neighborhoods, but opposition groups also have called for a nationwide strike to mark the anniversary.

More than 55 people have been killed in the two-year unrest. Some activists place the death toll higher.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Western Biomass Energy in chapter 11 reorganization

[Post] => Array
[id] => 9549
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[title] => Western Biomass Energy in chapter 11 reorganization
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[summary] => Western Biomass Energy LLC filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on Oct. 31. The facility was the nation's first demonstration-scale cellulosic ethanol plant when it was brought online in January, 2008 by KL Process Design Group.
[post_type] => 1
[article_type] =>
[body] =>

Just months after shipping a load of bagasse-based cellulosic ethanol to Brazil, Western Biomass Energy LLC filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on Oct. 31. Peter Gross, CEO of Blue Sugars Corp., the parent company of the Upton, Wyo.-based demonstration facility, declined to comment on the filing, beyond saying that a restructuring proposal is in the works.

According to court documents, Western Biomass Energy reported assets of real property worth $391,000 and personal property, mostly equipment in the demonstration facility, of $2.49 million. On the other side of the balance sheet, secured creditors were listed at a total of $31.5 million and unsecured at $3.84 million. Parent company Blue Sugars Corp. (formerly KL Energy) is by far the largest creditor of Western Biomass Energy at $30 million.

The Upton, Wyo., demonstration facility was the nation?s first demonstration-scale cellulosic ethanol facility when it was brought online in January, 2008 by KL Process Design Group, the precursor to Blue Sugars Corp. The demonstration facility began by using ponderosa pine thinnings from the Black Hills National Forest in an acid-free, enzymatic hydrolysis process design developed by KL Process Design in collaboration with the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. ????

Brazil?s Petrobras S.A. took interest in the company?s work and entered into a development agreement in 2010. KL Energy Corp. revamped its Utpon, Wyo., demo plant to adapt the process technology for sugarcane bagasse. Approximately 20,000 gallons was produced in 2011 and became the first to receive cellulosic ethanol renewable identification numbers (RINs) as it was shipped to Brazil for testing and to fuel Petrobras? minivan fleet at the Rio+20 Conference.

The announcement of the shipment to Brazil was accompanied with an announcement on the name change from KL Energy to Blue Sugars Corp. and an announcement that Blue Sugars had extended the development agreement with Petrobras. In those announcements, the two companies said engineering work had begun on Petrobras? first commercial cellulosic ethanol plant. ??


[views] => 124 [newsletter_summary] => Western Biomass Energy LLC filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on Oct. 31. The facility was the nation's first demonstration-scale cellulosic ethanol plant when it was brought online in January, 2008 by KL Process Design Group. [image] => [visible] => 1 [comments] => 0 [slug] => western-biomass-energy-in-chapter-11-reorganization [posted_on] => 2013-02-12 20:42:42 [locked] => 0 [tag_locked] => 0 [thumbnail] => 2013/02/1360701782429_thumb.jpg [archived] => 0 [child_site] => 0 [tag_operations] => 0 [tag_markets] => 0 [tag_feedstocks] => 0 [tag_coproducts] => 0 [tag_cellulosic] => 1 [tag_business] => 1 [tag_policy] => 0 ) [Author] => Array ( [id] => 2 [status] => 1 [first_name] => Susanne [last_name] => Retka Schill [level] => 1 [email] => [password] => 8b5e03ba18dec2f23b416013d66953ff [bio] =>

Sue is back to writing features and news as contribtuions editor after a restructuring of the EPM team. She was editor of Ethanol Producer Magazine from January 2010 to July 2012. She started working with BBI International in late 2006 and has written for Ethanol Producer Magazine, Biodiesel Magazine and Biomass Magazine. She has over 30 years of experience in reporting on agriculture and rural life for regional publications and community newspapers.

[picture] => 12924465109335.jpg [guest_email] => 0 ) [Issue] => Array ( [id] => [number] => [issue_date] => [name] => [status] => [digital_issue_url] => [image] => [site] => ) [Comment] => Array ( ) [History] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 6054 [issue_id] => 0 [title] => Western Biomass Energy in chapter 11 reorganization [author_id] => 2 [author_name] => [summary] => Western Biomass Energy LLC filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on Oct. 31. The facility was the nation's first demonstration-scale cellulosic ethanol plant when it was brought online in January, 2008 by KL Process Design Group. [post_type] => 1 [body] =>

Just months after shipping a load of bagasse-based cellulosic ethanol to Brazil, Western Biomass Energy LLC filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on Oct. 31. Peter Gross, CEO of Blue Sugars Corp., the parent company of the Upton, Wyo.-based demonstration facility, declined to comment on the filing, beyond saying that a restructuring proposal is in the works.

According to court documents, Western Biomass Energy reported assets of real property worth $391,000 and personal property, mostly equipment in the demonstration facility, of $2.49 million. On the other side of the balance sheet, secured creditors were listed at a total of $31.5 million and unsecured at $3.84 million. Parent company Blue Sugars Corp. (formerly KL Energy) is by far the largest creditor of Western Biomass Energy at $30 million.

The Upton, Wyo., demonstration facility was the nation?s first demonstration-scale cellulosic ethanol facility when it was brought online in January, 2008 by KL Process Design Group, the precursor to Blue Sugars Corp. The demonstration facility began by using ponderosa pine thinnings from the Black Hills National Forest in an acid-free, enzymatic hydrolysis process design developed by KL Process Design in collaboration with the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. ????

Brazil?s Petrobras S.A. took interest in the company?s work and entered into a development agreement in 2010. KL Energy Corp. revamped its Utpon, Wyo., demo plant to adapt the process technology for sugarcane bagasse. Approximately 20,000 gallons was produced in 2011 and became the first to receive cellulosic ethanol renewable identification numbers (RINs) as it was shipped to Brazil for testing and to fuel Petrobras? minivan fleet at the Rio+20 Conference.

The announcement of the shipment to Brazil was accompanied with an announcement on the name change from KL Energy to Blue Sugars Corp. and an announcement that Blue Sugars had extended the development agreement with Petrobras. In those announcements, the two companies said engineering work had begun on Petrobras? first commercial cellulosic ethanol plant. ??


[views] => 0 [newsletter_summary] => Western Biomass Energy LLC filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on Oct. 31. The facility was the nation's first demonstration-scale cellulosic ethanol plant when it was brought online in January, 2008 by KL Process Design Group. [image] => [visible] => 1 [comments] => 0 [slug] => western-biomass-energy-in-chapter-11-reorganization [posted_on] => 2013-02-12 15:43:08 [post_id] => 9549 [updated_by] => ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 6055 [issue_id] => 0 [title] => Western Biomass Energy in chapter 11 reorganization [author_id] => 2 [author_name] => [summary] => Western Biomass Energy LLC filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on Oct. 31. The facility was the nation's first demonstration-scale cellulosic ethanol plant when it was brought online in January, 2008 by KL Process Design Group. [post_type] => 1 [body] =>

Just months after shipping a load of bagasse-based cellulosic ethanol to Brazil, Western Biomass Energy LLC filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on Oct. 31. Peter Gross, CEO of Blue Sugars Corp., the parent company of the Upton, Wyo.-based demonstration facility, declined to comment on the filing, beyond saying that a restructuring proposal is in the works.

According to court documents, Western Biomass Energy reported assets of real property worth $391,000 and personal property, mostly equipment in the demonstration facility, of $2.49 million. On the other side of the balance sheet, secured creditors were listed at a total of $31.5 million and unsecured at $3.84 million. Parent company Blue Sugars Corp. (formerly KL Energy) is by far the largest creditor of Western Biomass Energy at $30 million.

The Upton, Wyo., demonstration facility was the nation?s first demonstration-scale cellulosic ethanol facility when it was brought online in January, 2008 by KL Process Design Group, the precursor to Blue Sugars Corp. The demonstration facility began by using ponderosa pine thinnings from the Black Hills National Forest in an acid-free, enzymatic hydrolysis process design developed by KL Process Design in collaboration with the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. ????

Brazil?s Petrobras S.A. took interest in the company?s work and entered into a development agreement in 2010. KL Energy Corp. revamped its Utpon, Wyo., demo plant to adapt the process technology for sugarcane bagasse. Approximately 20,000 gallons was produced in 2011 and became the first to receive cellulosic ethanol renewable identification numbers (RINs) as it was shipped to Brazil for testing and to fuel Petrobras? minivan fleet at the Rio+20 Conference.

The announcement of the shipment to Brazil was accompanied with an announcement on the name change from KL Energy to Blue Sugars Corp. and an announcement that Blue Sugars had extended the development agreement with Petrobras. In those announcements, the two companies said engineering work had begun on Petrobras? first commercial cellulosic ethanol plant. ??


[views] => 0 [newsletter_summary] => Western Biomass Energy LLC filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on Oct. 31. The facility was the nation's first demonstration-scale cellulosic ethanol plant when it was brought online in January, 2008 by KL Process Design Group. [image] => [visible] => 1 [comments] => 0 [slug] => western-biomass-energy-in-chapter-11-reorganization [posted_on] => 2013-02-12 15:43:16 [post_id] => 9549 [updated_by] => ) ) [PostImage] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 9854 [image] => 2013/02/1360701782429.jpg [description] => [is_primary] => 1 [post_id] => 9549 [caption] => ) ) )

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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Attract Newer And More Effective Clients With One Of These Internet ...

With all the Web becoming more and more an integral part of everyday life, it is essential that you integrate Website marketing to your business method. You will discover what you must understand about a robust Web technique for your company from the article below. Follow these tips to become successful at Website marketing. Incorporate a site banner ad which contains your mission document or motto, or even both. Doing this presents your internet site an expert appearance, and site visitors can easily be aware of the website?s operate as well as your objectives. Specifically should there be a specific product you are attempting to highlight and then sell. Today, everyone is quite leery of advertising and marketing. The reason being for a long time, many people have been flooded with advertising and marketing that is certainly misleading or plain lies. To counteract this, you should backup whatever you distribute on-line with provable details. Testimonials, test records, recommendations and photos all assist this objective. In no way make claims you are incapable of confirm. Your prospects are entitled to and anticipate to be treated as clever, properly-knowledgeable individuals. Do not be tempted to take advantage of a customer. By developing a history of trustworthiness and honesty, it is possible to transform potential prospects into satisfied clients, and finally into typical clients. To really get income streaming, you must make contact with qualified prospects instantly. Actual-time qualified prospects offer you instant access to clients that are prepared to get. There is absolutely no postpone from the time they completed soundcloud followers the data to the time you make contact with them, which results in a better possibility of you transforming the steer right into a sale. When experimenting with the text you may use for your personal internet site, check out various focus instruments. Use various font types to boost the strength of various words. It will help to tell apart the method that you would like your consumer to receive a specific concept, that can help together with the clarity of what you really are trying to say. You ought to be very careful about the information you are supplying clients if you are marketing and advertising a small company. Make an effort to have content material that is certainly beneficial and different. You desire the guests that view your website to learn about your small business. Make sure you are maintaining these people up to date on what is happening with your company.

To get more people to your website, think of a online game. Clients may search for one thing to experience on the web, so one thing straightforward can attract a lot of people! You may even utilize the online game as a understated strategy to promote your services. One example is that if you market merchandise for hair care, you could potentially make a locks-motivated online game which includes your products or services. Stay away from universal 500 error webpages in support of a customized web page. This takes place whenever a code stops helping you. A boring web page which gives this meaning may annoy your potential customer. A web page like this just enables visitors know that you?re taking almost everything very seriously. Regardless if your web page doesn?t stress, you?ve nonetheless considered some time to incorporate some customized touches with it. Also you can create visibility through providing content articles for other sites who have a hyperlink to your own property. Guarantee you will find the business information for your organization in the content articles. Encourage these people to give goal to submitting the content articles you give by providing them incentives and profits. Whenever you design a banner ad, try so it will be distinctive. When you boost the appearance of your banner ad, it is possible to get more men and women to simply click it. Men and women focus on web site Web addresses. Be sure your website is an easy task to bear in mind to ensure that a consumer are able to easily and quickly accessibility it when they want. If at all possible, your business? brand must be element of your Link. Obviously, your clients could Yahoo you nonetheless, it could be less complicated for these people when you purchase an internet deal with that?s an easy task to bear in mind. They will surely kind your internet deal with within their browsers. Letting people to discuss your advertisement gives you beneficial comprehension of the achievements your advertisement. Maybe there seemed to be anything relating to your advertisement soundcloud followers buy backup or perhaps your guarantee which they failed to like.

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No sign that omega-3s benefit babies' brains

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A review of the existing evidence finds it to be inconclusive about whether omega-3 fatty acids taken by mothers during pregnancy boost their kids' brain development early in life.

"There are so many trials where pregnant women are supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids and they've all got different results," said lead study author Jacqueline Gould, a researcher at the Women's and Children's Health Research Institute in Adelaide, Australia. "We found that there was neither a positive nor a negative effect on visual or neurological outcomes."

The Australian team, who published their findings in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, analyzed data from 11 clinical trials with a total of 5,272 participants who were randomly assigned to take omega-3 supplements or placebos during the last half of their pregnancies.

Across the trials, the amount of omega-3 taken by the mothers ranged from 240 to 3,300 milligrams per day. And the ages at which children's brain and vision development were assessed ranged from newborn to 7 years old.

According to the researchers, most of the clinical trials included too few participants to distinguish subtle differences expected from nutritional studies, excluded complicated pregnancies (in which greater differences might have been seen) and didn't follow the children long enough during development.

"Our analysis highlights that more research is needed," Gould told Reuters Health.

Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for healthy fetal brain development and are commonly found in fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel and sardines. Human brains and eyes contain large amounts of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), both forms of omega-3.

Developing fetuses can get DHA from their mothers' fat stores, and from food and supplements they consume during pregnancy.

The hope that omega-3 supplements might enhance brain development stems from research like a large study from Denmark that found mothers who reported eating more fish had children with greater neurological and motor development in their first months.

The author of that study, Dr. Sjurdur Olsen, head of the Center for Fetal Programming in Copenhagen, cautions, however, that in Denmark at least, mothers who eat more fish tend to be better educated and more well off - which could both be important factors in a child's development.

Other studies have found that an expecting mother's fish oil intake doesn't increase her child's IQ or enhance her baby's visual development. (See Reuters Health story of September 29, 2011 here:

Still, several mainstream organizations, including the European Food Safety Authority and the World Health Organization, do endorse omega-3 supplements for expectant mothers, noted Harry Rice, vice president of regulatory and scientific affairs at the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s, a trade organization.

"It's because of the science that many organizations and government agencies around the world recommend DHA supplementation for pregnant and lactating women," Rice told Reuters Health in an email.

It may be too soon to reach a definitive conclusion on this topic, according to Elvira Larqu?, physiology professor at the University of Murcia in Spain, who independently reviewed DHA clinical trials in a 2012 study.

Larqu? agreed that more trials are needed. The ones analyzed in the new report had weaknesses, including the fact that all sources of DHA were not accounted for in the mothers' diets, and measures of intelligence were based on tests, such as observing a child play with a toy, that were too subjective.

Olsen said the discrepancy between official encouragement for mothers to take prenatal DHA supplements, and the actual evidence for their effects probably stems from wishful thinking.

"People want to have some good news," he said. "There's a strong wish to have simple means to get strong effects."

SOURCE: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, online January 30, 2013.


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Saturday, February 9, 2013

New Myanmar prisoner amnesty committee needs wider mandate ...

The Myanmar government?s decision to form a committee to review political prisoner cases is a step in the right direction but the review needs to have a much wider reach, Amnesty International said.

?We are heartened by this very important first step towards establishing a review mechanism. However, it is imperative to have assurances that the mandate of this new committee will extend to all prisoners who have been unfairly detained, not only political prisoners,? said Isabelle Arradon, Amnesty International?s Deputy-Director for the Asia-Pacific.?

The government yesterday announced it would proceed with setting up the committee, which will look into granting amnesties to political prisoners. Many prisoners of conscience are still imprisoned in Myanmar, having been falsely charged or convicted of a serious offense, arbitrarily detained, or imprisoned solely for their peaceful political activities. .

?The commission should have a strong mandate in order to bring an end to arbitrary detentions and ensure human rights for prisoners and detainees in Myanmar.? Arradon added.

Activists, former political prisoners and some politicians in Myanmar as well as some regional and international NGOs, including Amnesty International, have been publicly pushing the Myanmar authorities since late 2011 to set up a body that would take on the country?s vast record of unjust imprisonment.

Amnesty International is calling for the review mechanism to identify all detainees and prisoners who were charged or convicted as a result of unfair trials and other proceedings that did not meet international human rights standards. This would include convictions that relied on confessions extracted under torture.

According to an announcement made by the President?s Office yesterday, the review committee will be comprised of members of the government ministries, civil society organizations and political parties.

?We are waiting for clear commitments that the commission will be independent, impartial, properly resourced, and their decisions based on international human rights standards,? said Arradon.

Amnesty International is calling for the government to immediately and unconditionally release all prisoners of conscience, and to retry fairly any person found to have suffered an unfair trial.


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These cartoonists take science seriously

"Minute Physics" creator Henry Reich runs through some of his favorite science websites in a video.

By Alan Boyle, Science Editor, NBC News

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how many pages of scientific prose is a science comic worth? Or, for that matter, how many words in a blog post?

Science comics took the spotlight last week during one of the scores of sessions at Science Online 2013 in Raleigh, N.C.?? and one of the takeaways was that illustrators and cartoonists are serious about the science they're depicting. Heck, many of them are trained scientists as well as gifted artists. Take MinutePhysics'?Henry Reich, for example: He earned degrees in physics and math, but found himself drawn to film and video. Now he encapsulates complex concepts in physics (such as the?quest for the Higgs boson) in YouTube videos that last just a bit more than a minute.

His latest MinutePhysics offering wraps up more than two dozen science websites and video channels worth checking out, including way-cool science comics such as xkcd and Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. You'll want to scan the whole list, but you won't want to stop there. It's a good thing the weekend is coming up, because here are another eight science comics to while away the hours with:

Bird and Moon: Rosemary Mosco is a "nature lover with a passion for science communication"?? and a flair for cute, colorful graphics that are thoughtful as well. Have you always wondered how to tell a dolphin from a porpoise? Check out the "Animal Cheat Sheet."??

Beatrice the Biologist: Katie McKissick is on a mission to "make science fun and interesting for the casual reader," and she's not afraid of stirring up a little controversy as well. Don't miss the story behind the "Facebook Genital Scandal of 2012."

Jay Hosler:?Biology professor Jay Hosler highlights science comic strips of all stripes in his blog, "Drawing Flies," and creates his own highly respected comics and graphic novels.?

Luci's Let Down: Writer Marjee Chmiel and illustrator Sandra Lanz team up on an online comic book that's more about metaphysics than strictly physics.

PHD Comics: Jorge Cham draws the kinds of comics that graduate students might post on their office bulletin boards?? when their faculty adviser isn't looking. Check out this Cosmic Log Q&A with Cham, as well as his fantastic guide to the Higgs boson. Maki Naro aims to "communicate science topics in a way that hopefully anybody can understand, and ideally elicit some chuckles." I had to chuckle over a certain zombie who guest-starred in a strip about last year's "Supermoon."

Walkabout Em: Emily Coren has degrees in ecology and evolutionary biology as well as science illustration. Her illustrations don't joke around ??instead, they present creatures and concepts with a pleasing style.

2D Goggles: Melina Sydney Padua presents "The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage," a quirky webcomic interspersed with observations about the history of the Difference Engine and other geeky subjects.

Science-fiction author David Brin has his own list of favorite science webcomics. And if you're looking for science-centric graphic novels you can actually hold in your hand, keep an eye out for "Bone Sharps, Cowboys and Thunder Lizards,"?"Darwin," "Feynman," "Logicomix," "Neurocomic," "Radioactive," "Science Tales" and "Trinity."

More about science comics:

Alan Boyle is's science editor. Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's?Facebook page, following?@b0yle on Twitter?and adding the?Cosmic Log page?to your Google+ presence. To keep up with Cosmic Log as well as's other stories about science and space, sign up for the Tech & Science newsletter, delivered to your email in-box every weekday. You can also check out?"The Case for Pluto,"?my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for new worlds.

Published 10:19 p.m. ET Feb. 7, 2013. Last updated 12:36 p.m. ET Feb. 8, 2013.


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New record for the biggest wave ever surfed? (+video)

Garrett McNamara may have set a new world record for the largest wave ever surfed. Garrett McNamara surfed a wave off Portugal that was about 100-feet high.

By Staff,? / January 30, 2013

Was Garrett McNamara humming 'Oops, I did it again?" as he rode a 100-foot wave off Portugal?

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On Monday, McNamara may have broken his own record for the largest wave ever surfed. McNamara returned to Nazar?, Portugal, where he set a record a little more than a year ago.

As The Christian Science Monitor reported last May: The Guinness World Records recognized a 44-year-old Hawaii pro surfer for catching a 78-foot wave off the coast of Portugal, saying the November [2011] feat beats a 2008 record for the biggest ridden by more than 1 foot.

Nazare is known as a prime spot for big rides.? The waves roll in off the Atlantic Ocean and travel along an undersea canyon that generate some of the biggest waves on the planet. The Nazare canyon is about 16,000 feet deep in places, and about 140?miles long.

On Monday, :"The conditions in Nazar? were heavenly perfect. Light southern winds and strong swell coming from northwest and hitting the local canyon as it should," according to

McNamara is waiting confirmation of the size of the latest wave and whether a new record was set.

McNamara, who began surfing at age 11 and went pro at 17, said the achievement became more important to him when he realized it could help him urge more people to follow their passions.

"The world would be a much better place if everyone was doing what they wanted to do," he told the Associated Press last year after he set the record.


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