Thursday, January 31, 2013

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Obama says rural voices need to be heard in gun debate: report

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama urged gun control advocates to listen to views of rural Americans who use guns for hunting and said bridging a cultural divide in attitudes to gun ownership will be critical to his administration's push to curb gun violence.

"If you grew up and your dad gave you a hunting rifle when you were 10, and you went out and spent the day with him and your uncles, and that became part of your family's traditions, you can see why you'd be pretty protective of that," Obama said in an interview with The New Republic magazine published on Sunday on its website.

Obama made gun control a top priority for his second term after 20 children and six adults were killed in December by a gunman at a school in Newtown, Connecticut.

Obama spoke with The New Republic on January 16, the same day he announced he would put the full weight of his office behind urging Congress to approve an assault weapons ban and background checks for all gun buyers.

"Part of being able to move this forward is understanding the reality of guns in urban areas are very different from the realities of guns in rural areas," Obama said.

"So it's trying to bridge those gaps that I think is going to be part of the biggest task over the next several months. And that means that advocates of gun control have to do a little more listening than they do sometimes," he said.

Vice President Joe Biden is leading the White House effort to talk to Americans about the gun control proposals and galvanize public support to pressure Congress to act. On Friday, he spoke in Virginia about the plan.

Gun ownership rights are enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, and past efforts to restrict gun ownership have been blocked by gun owners, the National Rifle Association and their supporters in Congress.

Rural Americans traditionally vote Republican, and Obama was criticized during the 2008 election campaign for comments about how small-town Americans "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them" - comments for which he later apologized.

Asked whether he had ever fired a gun, Obama said he had gone skeet shooting with guests at Camp David, a country residence in rural Maryland where presidents traditionally host foreign leaders.

"Up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time," Obama said.

(Reporting by Roberta Rampton; Editing by Eric Beech)


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Sunday, January 27, 2013

American women have served and died from the first

WASHINGTON (AP) ? American women have served and died on the nation's battlefields from the first. They were nurses and cooks, spies and couriers in the Revolutionary War. Some disguised themselves as men to fight for the Union or the Confederacy. Yet the U.S. military's official acceptance of women in combat took more than two centuries.

New roles for females have been doled out fitfully, whenever commanders have gotten in binds and realized they needed women's help.

"The main driver is that it's been militarily necessary," says retired Capt. Lory Manning, a 25-year Navy veteran who leads military studies for the Women's Research & Education Institute. She points, for example, to creation of the Army Nurse Corps in response to the struggle against disease in the Spanish-American War.

Some milestones on the way to this week's lifting of the ban on women in ground combat jobs:



They didn't wear uniforms, but the Army hired women as nurses, cooks and laundresses during the American Revolution. Women were also spies and saboteurs. They carried George Washington's messages across enemy lines to his generals.

Many "camp followers" went to war with their soldier husbands, sometimes bringing children along. Some stepped into the places of fallen men in battle. Other women disguised themselves as young men to join the fighting.

A few hundred women secretly served as Civil War soldiers, historians estimate. There are records of some who were discovered only after they were wounded or killed.

For her service as a Civil War surgeon, Dr. Mary E. Walker was awarded her era's Medal of Honor. Harriet Tubman led a group of former slaves who spied on Confederate troops in the South and helped the Union Army free more slaves. A Virginia woman, Elizabeth Van Lew, ran one of the war's most sophisticated spy rings for the Union. Clara Barton's experiences tending battlefield wounded led her to found the American Red Cross.



Despite their record as volunteers and contract workers, women were denied a place within military service until 1901, when the Army Nurse Corps was created. Navy nurses followed in 1908.

What prompted the creation of the Nurse Corps? The devastating toll of typhoid, malaria and other diseases that killed far more soldiers than the fighting during the Spanish-American War.

Overwhelmed by the tropical diseases, the military rushed to find more than 1,500 female contract nurses to serve at military hospitals and aboard ships. Twenty-one nurses died in the line of duty. After the war, the Army's surgeon general called for creation of a permanent nurse corps with reserves at the ready for future wars.



The world wars brought large-scale proof that women could handle many of the military's noncombat jobs. They were recruited to "Free a man to fight!"

For the first time in World War I, women other than nurses were allowed to enlist in the Navy and Marines. They worked as telephone operators, accountants, draftsmen, clerks. Some went to Europe. Still, only about 35,000 women, the majority of them nurses, served among nearly 5 million U.S. men. They were promptly sent home after the armistice.

They were the advance troops for the wave of women to come in the next world war, including the Navy's WAVES and the Army's WACS. There were even civilian pilots ? the WASPS ? who repositioned planes and towed gunners' targets but were denied Air Force status.

The demands of a huge military buildup and a diminishing pool of male draftees crumpled resistance to enlisting large numbers of women for World War II.

More than 400,000 women served, at home and overseas, stepping into nearly all types of noncombat jobs. Retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Wilma L. Vaught, a teenager then, remembers women's eagerness to help.

"America was attacked," said Vaught, president of the Women in Military Service for America Memorial Foundation. "Women felt, 'This is my country, I've got to help defend my country.' They wanted to be part of it."

World War II was the turning point that earned women full-fledged military status. In 1948, after fierce debate, Congress approved allowing women to serve in the regular forces of all branches of the service all the time, not just in war.



In peacetime, the Pentagon retreated back to assigning females to "women's work." They got few chances at promotion and couldn't be admirals or generals. Although military nurses risked their lives in Korea and Vietnam, the military insisted women weren't fit for combat conditions.

The equal rights movement prompted some changes ? in 1967, Congress got rid of a law limiting women to 2 percent of the military and opened up promotions to higher service grades.

But the armed services didn't welcome women back in a big way until the nation cut off its guaranteed supply of men.

In 1973, the draft ended and the all-volunteer military was born. Short on male volunteers, the Defense Department began seriously recruiting women and assigning them a wider range of jobs. In 1975, the service academies were opened to women.

Women grew to more than 10 percent of America's force by the 1980s.



More than 40,000 women deployed for the Persian Gulf War in 1990 and 1991. They worked alongside men, flying helicopters, driving trucks, guarding bases and firing missiles as Americans at home watched on television news.

Officially women were banned from combat. But there were no clear front lines. Women soldiers and Marines were at risk wherever SCUD missiles fell.

"They always said the American public will not live with women coming back in body bags," said Vaught. "Well, they did. We found out there wasn't a big reaction from the public. They recognized that these women were there doing their jobs. We have adjusted to that as a people."

After the Gulf War, jobs flying combat planes and serving on warships were opened to women. And some restrictions on combat-related jobs in the Army and Marines were eased.


AFTER 9/11

More than 200,000 women serve in the military now ? 15 percent of a force of 1.4 million. And the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have obliterated any remaining notion that they can be kept out of the fight.

With the military straining to staff two wars at once, everyone was needed. But battle lines were jagged; insurgents could be anywhere. Women in support jobs found themselves in firefights and blasted by roadside bombs. And their gender made them especially valuable on some patrols: They could search and interview Muslim women whose culture forbid such contact with men.

In 2012, to reflect the new realities, the Defense Department changed its rules to officially allow women into many jobs they were already doing, but in units closer to the fighting. They were still banned from the most dangerous jobs, such as being infantry soldiers or Special Operations commandos.

On Thursday, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced an end to the ban on women in combat. Women have become an integral part of the service, fighting and dying alongside men, Panetta said. In fact, 152 women in uniform have died in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"The time has come," he said, "for our policies to recognize that reality."


Associated Press writer Pauline Jelinek contributed to this report.

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Dana White?s video blog involves a frozen waterfall, a zipline and a cold shoulder

Check out Dana White's video blog, and ponder that he had to turn all of his waterfalls on so the pipes at his house wouldn't burst. Don't they insulate pipes in Las Vegas? Also, notice which fighter he doesn't say hello to before the UFC on Fox 6 press conference.

Enjoy, and don't forget to follow Cagewriter on Twitter for the latest from UFC on Fox 6. Today, it's Jon Jones' fan Q and A, and the weigh-ins.


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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lexington BBQ | Barbeque Chronicles | Okra - Southern Food and ...

JIM CARTER is a true Southerner who divides his time between Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Virginia. He is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys cooking wild game. He is the chairman of the board of the Southern Food and Beverage Museum.



Lexington, NC puts its barbeque on display late each October, during hog killing season, with its Barbeque Festival and calls itself the ?Barbeque Capital of the World?.? Hog killing time in the South is when temperatures hover in the forties.? Then one can work with the hog without risk of spoilage.? I recall the first time I actually was allowed to kill the hog on our South Carolina farm; what a proud moment, still seared in my mind.

Lexington is not the only city to proclaim itself the capital of barbeque, but there is little doubt that it is the capital of wood pit, slow cooked pork shoulders, Lexington pit masters? specialty.? You won?t find barbeque spaghetti, barbeque baloney, barbeque beef, or even barbeque pork ribs in Lexington.? No, Lexington pit masters have worked for decades (make that centuries) to perfect Lexington style (aka, Piedmont or Western NC style) chopped pork shoulders.? There are 15 barbeque restaurants in town, one for every 1,000 or so residents, and the menus vary very little.

Melinda grew up in the Concord area north of Charlotte in the shadows of some great Piedmont barbeque emporiums.? I grew up south of Charlotte on the southern fringe of North Carolina Piedmont barbeque country (and on the northern fringe of South Carolina Midlands barbeque; see _______ for a discussion of Midlands barbeque.)? I believe, if one were to cut someone who grew up eating Piedmont, NC barbeque, he might just bleed barbeque ?dip?.? Many of the people in this region worked in cotton mills or on small farms.? Going out for a meal usually meant going to a barbeque restaurant or a ?fish camp?.? The barbeque restaurants of this region worked very hard to perfect their craft to attract this clientele ? great, simple food at a good price.? There are three things that distinguish this barbeque: the meat, the ?dip? and the slaw.

The picture near-by is of a large coarse chopped barbeque tray at Smiley?s.? The menus also feature sandwiches, and plates with chopped or coarse chopped pork barbeque.? For the sandwiches pork is pilled on a hamburger type bun and covered in red slaw.? For the plates, fries, typically hand cut, are added.

The cooking process begins with the meat.? For Lexington style barbeque, only pork shoulders are used.? By contrast Eastern NC barbeque begins with the entire hog (more on Eastern NC barbeque in another article).? The shoulder is cooked at 220 to 250 degrees for 8 to 10 hours, usually over wood coals.? Experienced pit masters know how long the cooking process takes for their pits.? Should you wish to cook Lexington style barbeque at home the North Carolina Barbeque Society provides excellent instructions on its website (www.ncbbqsociety/recipes/porkshoulders.html).

Lexington barbeque restaurants refer to their barbeque sauce as ?dip?, as in ?would you like extra dip??? The dip features vinegar, with a little tomato paste or catsup, and spices including cayenne and black pepper and sugar (go to www.ncbbqsociety/recipes/lexingtonstyle_dip.html for a recipe).? This is not the thick sauce one finds at the grocery or in some other cities proclaiming they are barbeque capitals.? Rather it is very thin, and one doesn?t need a lot on the meat.? After all, Lexington barbeque is all about the meat.

The red barbeque slaw that is always served with Lexington barbeque is shredded cabbage doused with dip.? The recipe from Lexington?s The Barbeque Center restaurant is published at

The result of this effort is very tender, moist barbeque pork with just a hint of sweetness.? The recipes are simple and as is the case with most really good simple recipes, getting it right makes all the difference.? Just ask anyone from Lexington, NC.

In addition to Smiley?s Lexington BBQ (917 Winston Rd, Lexington) and The Barbeque Center (900 N. Main Street, Lexington), the two Lexington restaurants on the North Carolina Barbeque Society?s barbeque trail, Melinda and I have eaten at and can recommend:

Lexington Barbeque, 10 US Hwy 70 S, Lexington, ranked by many as the top Lexington barbeque restaurant

Speedy?s Barbeque, Inc., 1317 Winston Rd., Lexington

Jimmy?s Barbeque, 1703 Cotton Grove Rd., Lexington

Ask for a little bark and have the hush puppies.


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Credit union vision and strategic planning - Prism Decision Systems

Tactical priorities often trump strategic visioning, which is put off and pushed down the road. In the meantime, industry after industry is threatened by the unexpected emergence of disruptive technologies. Exponential increases in computing power and storage act as the accelerant. Here is a short list of industries engulfed in the fires of change:

Is the sun rising or setting on your credit union?

Is the sun rising or setting on your business?

  • Once dominant BlackBerry? teeters on the brink of irrelevance.
  • Dell struggles to respond to the unprecedented success of the iPad?.
  • Newsweek? halts publication of its print edition.
  • Priceline and Expedia send traditional travel agencies to the verge of extinction.
  • Print advertising is supplanted by Google Adwords.
  • Barcode scanning turns Best Buy into a display case for Amazon.
  • Free massive open online courses (MOOCs) threaten the traditional university business model.

Visionizing the ideal credit union in 2020

Cornerstone Community Federal Credit Union is in the midst of a significant, multi-year IT installation. CEO Ann Brittin does not want the significant focus on this tactical priority to come at the expense of strategic visioning: ?Cornerstone has done traditional strategic planning for years. We know what our priorities are for the next couple of years. We now need to open up our thought process on where the credit union industry will be in 2020 and where Cornerstone will position itself. To help us do that, we reached out to Prism Decision Systems.?

A provocative strategic retreat

8:30 a.m. ? We begin the day viewing Corning Incorporated?s A Day Made of Glass 2. We want to shake up the 32 participants, make them very uncomfortable in their thinking about the pace of change and instill a little cognitive dissonance early on a Saturday morning. Senior managers then deliver superbly prepared presentations on emerging technologies such as personal teller machines and the ?mobile wallet.?

The facilitator reviews examples of sudden disruptions to business models, shares Ray Kurzweil?s stunning forecast that $1000 will buy computing power equivalent to that of the human brain by around the year 2023, and asks,

  • Like so many other industries, is banking at an inflection point?
    • Will the mobile channel radically reinvent banking?
    • Will new disruptive technologies threaten the current credit union business model?
    • What new competitors will emerge? Google? Apple? Wal-Mart?
    • Who will be our future customers?
    • What is the emerging role of social networks?
    • What credit union business models will survive?

9:30 a.m. ? All 32 participants are energetically engaged. Conversations flow.

Assumption busting and backwards-from-perfect thinking

The team is starting to remove the blinders of their habitual thinking. The power of their biases is diminishing. They are beginning to see differently and are ripe for some assumption busting. Small groups are asked toCCFCU strategic profile

  • Identify Cornerstone?s key assumptions about the future.
  • Ruthlessly question their validity.
  • Generate new assumptions that will govern in 2020.
  • Then ask: ?What if??

Participants describe possible alternative futures. There is laughter in the room. With this cue, the facilitator unleashes backwards-from-perfect thinking:

Imagine the industry-leading credit union in 2020. What are its characteristics or attributes. What makes it ideal, perfect?

Small groups share and cluster their responses. Together, we produce an affinity diagram that reveals seven distinct attributes of the ideal credit union in 2020.

11:30 a.m. ? We break as vigorous conversations continue over lunch.

Strategic profiling reveals immediate opportunities

reply keypadUsing Prism?s Group Decision Support System?, the team assesses those seven attributes in a strategic opportunity profile that (a) ranks them in terms of importance to future success, (b) assesses Cornerstone?s performance against each and (c) identifies whether or not each was new and innovative. After discussing the vote profile and looking at the disaggregated results of the board, management team and volunteers, the team agrees that there are two immediate, high-leverage strategic opportunities. Subgroups conclude by eagerly presenting immediate implications to Cornerstone?s planning over the next 12 to 14 months and then out to December 2015.

2:00 p.m. ? We adjourn. We meet our primary objective: to agree to a targeted list of implications to planning over the next 12 to 14 months and then out to December 2015. We also meet our secondary objective: to elicit testimonials that this was the most enjoyable, engaging and productive one-day strategic retreat ever.

For another approach to the credit union retreat, see: Credit Union ?Micro? Strategic Planning.


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Monday, January 21, 2013

Flu season fuels debate over paid sick time laws

NEW YORK (AP) ? Sniffling, groggy and afraid she had caught the flu, Diana Zavala dragged herself in to work anyway for a day she felt she couldn't afford to miss.

A school speech therapist who works as an independent contractor, she doesn't have paid sick days. So the mother of two reported to work and hoped for the best ? and was aching, shivering and coughing by the end of the day. She stayed home the next day, then loaded up on medicine and returned to work.

"It's a balancing act" between physical health and financial well-being, she said.

An unusually early and vigorous flu season is drawing attention to a cause that has scored victories but also hit roadblocks in recent years: mandatory paid sick leave for the 40 percent of American private-sector workers ? more than 40 million people ? who don't have it.

Supporters and opponents are particularly watching New York City, where lawmakers are weighing a sick leave proposal amid a competitive mayoral race.

Pointing to a flu outbreak that the governor has called a public health emergency, dozens of doctors, nurses, lawmakers and activists ? some in surgical masks ? rallied Friday on the City Hall steps to call for passage of the measure, which has awaited a City Council vote for nearly three years. Two likely mayoral contenders have also pressed the point.

The flu spike is making people more aware of the argument for sick pay, said Ellen Bravo, executive director of Family Values at Work, which promotes paid sick time initiatives around the country. "There's people who say, 'OK, I get it ? you don't want your server coughing on your food,'" she said.

Advocates have cast paid sick time as both a workforce issue akin to parental leave and "living wage" laws, and a public health priority.

But to some business owners, paid sick leave is an impractical and unfair burden for small operations. Critics also say the timing is bad, given the choppy economy and the hardships inflicted by Superstorm Sandy.

Michael Sinesky, an owner of seven bars and restaurants around the city, was against the sick time proposal before Sandy. And after the storm shut down four of his restaurants for days or weeks, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars that his insurers have yet to pay, "we're in survival mode."

"We're at the point, right now, where we cannot afford additional social initiatives," said Sinesky, whose roughly 500 employees switch shifts if they can't work, an arrangement that some restaurateurs say benefits workers because paid sick time wouldn't include tips.

Employees without sick days are more likely to go to work with a contagious illness, send an ill child to school or day care and use hospital emergency rooms for care, according to a 2010 survey by the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center. A 2011 study in the American Journal of Public Health estimated that a lack of sick time helped spread 5 million cases of flu-like illness during the 2009 swine flu outbreak.

To be sure, many employees entitled to sick time go to work ill anyway, out of dedication or at least a desire to project it. But the work-through-it ethic is shifting somewhat amid growing awareness about spreading sickness.

"Right now, where companies' incentives lie is butting right up against this concern over people coming into the workplace, infecting others and bringing productivity of a whole company down," said John A. Challenger, CEO of employer consulting firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

Paid sick day requirements are often popular in polls, but only four places have them: San Francisco, Seattle, Washington, D.C., and the state of Connecticut. The specific provisions vary.

Milwaukee voters approved a sick time requirement in 2008, but the state Legislature passed a law blocking it. Philadelphia's mayor vetoed a sick leave measure in 2011; lawmakers have since instituted a sick time requirement for businesses with city contracts. Voters rejected a paid sick day measure in Denver in 2011.

In New York, City Councilwoman Gale Brewer's proposal would require up to five paid sick days a year at businesses with at least five employees. It wouldn't include independent contractors, such as Zavala, who supports the idea nonetheless.

The idea boasts such supporters as feminist Gloria Steinem and "Sex and the City" actress Cynthia Nixon, as well as a majority of City Council members and a coalition of unions, women's groups and public health advocates. But it also faces influential opponents, including business groups, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, who has virtually complete control over what matters come to a vote.

Quinn, who is expected to run for mayor, said she considers paid sick leave a worthy goal but doesn't think it would be wise to implement it in a sluggish economy. Two of her likely opponents, Public Advocate Bill de Blasio and Comptroller John Liu, have reiterated calls for paid sick leave in light of the flu season.

While the debate plays out, Emilio Palaguachi is recovering from the flu and looking for a job. The father of four was abruptly fired without explanation earlier this month from his job at a deli after taking a day off to go to a doctor, he said. His former employer couldn't be reached by telephone.

"I needed work," Palaguachi said after Friday's City Hall rally, but "I needed to see the doctor because I'm sick."


Associated Press writer Susan Haigh in Hartford, Conn., contributed to this report.


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Wiz Khalifa To Be Honored At 1st Annual Block Starz ... - UM2N - Mi2N

Wiz Khalifa to be Honored at 1st Annual Block Starz Awards presented by IndiePower
January 19, 2013


Wiz Khalifa will receive the Static Major Award for Music Entrepreneurship at the 1st Annual Block Starz Awards,, presented by IndiePower during the 2013 Kentucky Derby Festival weekend in May.

Wiz Khalifa (b. Cameron Jibril Thomaz), who is known for his Atlantic Records debut single, "Black and Yellow", which peaked at number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100, and his major label albums Rolling Papers and O.N.I.F.C., generated $20 million over the past two years, twice landing on FORBES Hip-Hop Cash Kings list; as well as, the magazine's 30 Under 30 music list alongside the likes of Lady Gaga. The 25-year-old Pittsburgh rapper achieved this by supplementing his income from record sales with an aggressive tour schedule, movies, apparel, and twice the merchandise sales of typical rappers.

Wiz is a movement in himself, with incredibly loyal fans, says Cameron Strang, CEO of Warner/Chappell Music and head of West Coast operations for WMG, Atlantics parent company, in an exclusive profile of Wiz Khalifa featured in the January 21 issue of FORBES. He has a complete creative vision for all the different aspects of his career, central to which is his incredible music.

The Static Major Music Entrepreneurship Award is named after Grammy Award-winning Louisville, Kentucky rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer Stephen Ellis Garrett, also known as Static Major, who gained posthumous fame after appearing on Lil Wayne's 2008 album Tha Carter III on the song "Lollipop". Static produced and/or wrote hit songs for Aaliyah, Ginuwine, and Pretty Ricky, and was a member of the R&B trio Playa. Garrett died unexpectedly on February 25, 2008 and there are plans to release his debut album on the fifth anniversary of his passing this year.

"The Static Major Music Entrepreneurship Award honors recording artists who are CEOs of their own successful careers, by exploring new career paths, income streams, and business models," says Tia Brown, co-founder and executive director of the Block Starz Foundation Inc., a non-profit based in Louisville, KY, which promotes literacy through arts and entertainment and is hosting the event that will feature performances by artists Mac Miller and Chevy Woods of Khalifa's TaylorGang imprint.

"Static took an entrepenurial approach to the music industry and Wiz Khalifa carries on that spirit, says Block Starz Music LLC president and chief executive Bayer Mack, whose independent label featured Khalifa on its 2009 East Coast Block Starz compilation before the rapper achieved international fame.

The things Wiz, Will [Dzombak], and the team over at TaylorGang have accomplished in the past few years are amazing, but they have remained incredibly humble. It's not all about the money with them.

The 139th Kentucky Derby Festival weekend, which attracts over 1.5 million people from around the world who take part in more than 70 special events, takes place May 3-5 in Louisville, Kentucky. Block Starz Award organizers will be releasing more details, including categories, and honorees, over the coming weeks and months leading up to the event, which is being co-promoted by IndiePower,, a global entertainment marketing and distribution company run by industry veteran Jay Warsinske.

For more information, including press inquiries and sponsorship opportunites, contact:

Tia Brown | Block Starz Foundation
P: 502.882.0453


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CBS News Political Director's Astonishing Advice: Obama 'Must Go ...

CBS News Director John Dickersons Astonishing Advice: Obama Must Go for the Throat, Pulverize & Declare War on Republican Party

Getty Images

President Barack Obama needs to ?pulverize? and ?destroy? his Republican opponents if he wants to leave any kind of legacy ? according to CBS News? political director.

?Go for the throat!? declares the title of John Dickerson?s latest column for Slate, posted Friday. Its subtitle: ?Why if he wants to transform American politics, Obama must declare war on the Republican Party.?

In it, Dickerson ? who was named CBS News political director in 2011 ? says Obama, facing political gridlock and endless clashes with House Republicans, has the challenge of ?how to be great when the environment stinks?:

The president who came into office speaking in lofty terms about bipartisanship and cooperation can only cement his legacy if he destroys the GOP.?If he wants to transform American politics, he must go for the throat.

How should the president proceed then, if he wants to be bold??The Barack Obama of the first administration might have approached the task by finding some Republicans to deal with and then start agreeing to some of their demands in hope that he would win some of their votes. It?s the traditional approach. Perhaps he could add a good deal more schmoozing with lawmakers, too.

That?s the old way. He has abandoned that. He doesn?t think it will work and he doesn?t have the time. As Obama explained in his last press conference, he thinks the Republicans are dead set on opposing him. They cannot be unchained by schmoozing. Even if Obama were wrong about Republican intransigence, other constraints will limit the chance for cooperation.?Republican lawmakers worried about primary challenges in 2014 are not going to be willing partners. He probably has at most 18 months before people start dropping the lame-duck label in close proximity to his name.

Obama?s only remaining option is to pulverize. Whether he succeeds in passing legislation or not, given his ambitions, his goal should be to delegitimize his opponents. Through a series of clarifying fights over controversial issues, he can force Republicans to either side with their coalition?s most extreme elements or cause a rift in the party that will?leave it, at least temporarily, in disarray.

Fox News? Brit Hume took notice of the column Saturday morning, tweeting out the link and noting Dickerson?s affiliation with CBS.

Read Dickerson?s full column here.


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Friday, January 18, 2013

Jordan's Islamists, opposition rally against vote

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) ? Hundreds of Jordanian Islamists, youth activists and other opposition groups rallied Friday in Amman, calling for a boycott of next week's parliament elections.

The demonstration came just five days before the vote, which will for the first time see a prime minister emerge from among the winning candidates rather than by appointment by the king.

King Abdullah II has said the elections crown two years of reforms he initiated to stave off massive Arab Spring-type of protests that have already toppled four long-time rulers in the region.

Friday's peaceful demonstration drew about 1,300 Muslim Brotherhood members and others united in the boycott campaign and in demands that the king cede some of his powers and give parliament more say in the country.

Holding up small yellow cards mimicking a judge's warning to players in soccer games, the protesters chanted: "Freedom, freedom. This is not a royal gift, but our right."

The protesters say Abdullah's reforms do not go far enough. In particular, a new election law adopted last year is a bone of contention for the Brotherhood, Jordan's largest opposition group, and the youth activists.

They say the law continues to ensure that the majority of parliamentary seats go to Bedouin loyalists of the king at the expense of the Brotherhood, other opposition groups and Jordanians of Palestinian origin.

"We want changes made to the constitution to ensure that it's the people who have the power," said one of the demonstrators at Friday's rally, Mahmoud Awad.

An English teacher from the southern town of Tafila and a member of the largely secular "Hirak" youth group that is strong in rural areas, Awad said his country "needs a true parliamentary government that is representative of the people."

Dima Taboub, a member of the Islamic Action Front, the Brotherhood's political arm, said Abdullah's reforms have been "cosmetic, just to appease some people."

"Instead, we see our economic conditions deteriorating," said Taboub, wearing the white headscarf of conservative Muslim women in Jordan. "Votes are being sold and bought. We don't feel this election will be genuine."

An Independent Elections Commission created last year has vowed that candidates caught in vote buying would be prosecuted. But local newspapers report that some candidates have offered to buy votes while some citizens have offered to sell their votes to the highest bidder.

Resource-barren Jordan has struggled to keep economically afloat. Facing an acute financial crisis, it has been forced it to seek a $2 billion standby loan from the International Monetary Fund. Employment is running high, officially about 13 percent, but in reality closer to 17 percent. It has also long been reliant on aid from Western and Gulf Arab donors.

Last November, violent nationwide protests erupted after subsidies were removed from gasoline, heating and cooking fuel, setting off a spike in prices.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour said the moves were necessary to save the economy from further deterioration, but the price hikes drew many ordinary Jordanians to the streets to vent their anger.

The Jan. 23 elections will not be the first time that the Brotherhood and its followers shunned parliamentary elections, though a few Brotherhood supporters have broken the boycott call and are running as independents. The government says nearly 3 million Jordanians have registered to vote in the elections.

The turnout for Friday's rally was smaller compared to other opposition demonstrations, even though Brotherhood leader Zaki Bani Irsheid claimed earlier this week that the strength of the boycott campaign would be seen in the streets.

Still, the boycott will be a blow to Abdullah's efforts to showcase his reform agenda.

"I don't see any change," said 18-year-old protester Hassan Sarhan, from the northern town of Mafraq. "This would have been my first time to vote. But I won't because it just seems like the same old game."


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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Video: Colin Powell denounces GOP for ?intolerance?

Jump to hyperspace? Get a reality check

Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: In the "Star Wars" saga, the Millennium Falcon's jump to hyperspace is totally fictional ? but if it could happen, some enterprising physics students say it wouldn't look anything like the stretched-out beams of light shown on the movie screen.


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BFIN: Personal Finance Tips for The 20 somethings | Eye Of The ...

I don?t know if there is anything more daunting than reigning in the controls of my personal finance. I find it hard to see and strategize for my financial future when I am bombarded with items designed for instant gratification. Financial planning in your 20?s is a scary step; price tags for homes and assets are massive and starting salaries are small. I struggle with the concept of buying a home or condo when my salary doesn?t quite cover the required mortgage amount. I have to remind myself that money is a tool.

Money is a useful tool that can provide security and buy experiences. To become financially independent and secure the first step is to change your attitude towards money. Money must be thought of a tool that can help you build your Lego castle or in my case ?Barbie Dream Home.?


The first steps to enhancing your personal finance IQ in your 20?s is to

  • Identify your career path:

Post university it is important to think ?career,? and not job or worse yet ?pay-check.? I understand that a paycheck is necessary to survive the urban jungle but to gain financial control you need to think long-term. What do you really want to be when you grow up? Personally, I want to be a CEO who is heavily involved in business strategy decisions. I like the business game ans have a desire to help small business owners reach their business potential. By identifying my career ambitions I am able to identify areas for potential investment.

Your passions shape your financial wellbeing. I am passionate about fitness and health. It is important to me that i incorporate fitness into my daily routine. I make my work and career ambitions fit my passions. This gives me the freedom to use my passions as career inspiration.

In university, my savings fund was aimed at purses and shoes. Now, my savings fund include an ?in case of emergencies? fund. Life is full of unexpected speed bumps like car repairs, bad dinner dates, and the awkward between career engagements. Put a few dollars away each paycheck that can serve to cover your expenses for a 3-6 month financial Armageddon.

  • Tackle any outstanding debt:

The average college/university student is graduating with a credit card debt of $4,100 and student loans of $40,000. Yikes! combines that is more that the medium annual starting salary. Debt is not cool and can cause long-term consequences. Bad Credit = No Bueno. Find a way to tackle your debt and get serious about it. It is impossible to start saving and planning for your financial future with the dark debt cloud looming. Credit Card debts won?t go away on its own. Be proactive and pay it off.


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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Michael Dell and post-PC tech investing - John Shinal's Tech ...

By John Shinal

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) ? If Michael Dell indeed has surrendered to the new reality of a post-PC world, tech investors may soon benefit from a wave of big-cap restructurings that unlock shareholder value.

Now that a report of private-equity buyout talks for Dell /quotes/zigman/27952/quotes/nls/dell DELL +12.96% has surfaced, though, shareholders of rival Hewlett-Packard Co. may be the biggest beneficiaries of such a trend ? but only if H-P Chief Executive Meg Whitman follows Dell?s lead.

Dell shares jump on buyout chatter

PC maker?s stock soars on a report that the company is in takeover talks with private-equity firms. (Photo: Getty Images)

That?s because H-P /quotes/zigman/229301/quotes/nls/hpq HPQ +4.89% ?is now better positioned than Dell in the personal-computer market, which still throws off gobs of cash even as it?s shrinking.

Just as important, H-P?s investments in software over the past few years (albeit overpriced and bungled) mean there is more hidden value inside the Silicon Valley giant than there is in its chief rival. To put it more bluntly: H-P will benefit more from a needed restructuring than Dell, if only because the former will have more cash to pay for it all.

So the question is whether H-P?s board and executive team will have the courage to do what?s right, by voting to break up the company, even though it will put them out of their current jobs.

Timing of M&A talks no mystery

I?m guessing it?s no coincidence that word of a possible Dell takeover came the same day a report from market-research firm Gartner Inc. showed fourth-quarter global PC shipments by all vendors fell almost 5%, from a year earlier. Read the Gartner report: Declining worldwide PC shipments signal structural shift.

This same report showed that Dell just had an especially horrible quarter, with shipments falling a disastrous 21% and its global market share shrinking to 10.2%, from 12.2% a year earlier.

As I wrote in an August column, Michael Dell was not the right person to try to revive his namesake company. See: When founders are the wrong CEO pick.

While Dell was smart enough not to overpay for software or networking technologies ? as H-P did when it bought Autonomy and 3Par ? he fared no better in managing the transition to a tablet-based computing market.

That?s why Dell shares had fallen more than 50% from the time of its founder?s return in 2007 to the date of that column, and why they kept falling to within 5% of a 10-year low in November.

Only then did the Round Rock, Texas-based company?s market capitalization drop to a level low enough to attract the potential interest of private-equity firms.

Dell shares have risen 20% since then, even before news of a possible buyout caused their Monday surge.

/quotes/zigman/27952/quotes/nls/dell DELL 12.29, +1.41, +12.96%
/quotes/zigman/229301/quotes/nls/hpq HPQ 16.95, +0.79, +4.89%

US : U.S.: Nasdaq

Volume: 114.41M

Jan. 14, 2013 4:00p

Rev. per Employee




Volume: 61.98M

Jan. 14, 2013 4:00p

Rev. per Employee



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Monday, January 14, 2013

Tech world saddened by death of Internet activist Aaron Swartz

MELBOURNE, Jan 12 (Reuters) - Short of tournament sharpness in the build-up to the Australian Open because of injury, Maria Sharapova has found a novel way of playing herself into form - roughing up the local boys. The Russian world number two has been getting into the groove by beating up on Australia's top young players, having pulled out of Brisbane with a neck injury last week. Sharapova has found some willing opponents in a couple of Australians, including Luke Saville, last year's junior champion at Melbourne Park. ...


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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Rehab Launches New ?150000 Visual and Performing Arts Fund for ...

Post image for Rehab Launches New ?150,000 Visual and Performing Arts Fund for People with Disabilities and People with Mental Health Difficulties

The Rehab Group recently announced details of its new Visual and Performing Arts Fund which will provide ?150,000 over the next five years to promote careers in the arts for people with disabilities and people with mental health difficulties.

Applications are being sought from people with disabilities working or studying in the arts who require financial support for the year 2013. The scheme is open to people interested in a wide range of visual and performing arts ? from painting, sculpture and graphic art to film and drama, music and dance.

The closing date for the first year of the Rehab Visual and Performing Arts Fund is Thursday, February 28 th 2013.

Details of the Visual and Performing Arts Fund were announced today by Rehab Group Chief Executive, Angela Kerins, who commented:

?Rehab has a long history of both promoting the employment of people with disabilities and mental health difficulties and supporting arts which highlight the hugely important and thought-provoking input of people with disabilities. For example, Rehab supported the making of the Academy Award-winning ?My Left Foot? which told the moving story of quadriplegic author Christy Brown. More recently, Rehab has committed ?25,000 to fund the documentary ?No Limbs No Limits?, which will portray the life of 16-year-old Joanne O?Riordan, from Cork. Joanne has an extremely rare physical condition, Total Amelia Syndrome, meaning that she was born without all four limbs. In addition to these examples, Rehab also supports the development of creativity in people through FETAC level training programmes and a wide range of activities in areas such as drama productions, painting, sculpture, music, dance, writing and poetry.?

She added: ?In this tough economic climate it is more important than ever to ensure that people with disabilities are helped to develop their skills and abilities and participate in economic and cultural life. This new Fund will support a number of people to progress their careers in the arts. An average of ?30,000 will be available annually in this particular Fund for the next five years. We really want to get the message out there that this Fund is available for people who have a disability or a mental health difficulty who wish to develop their career in the arts. We want to give talented people a stepping stone to a successful career in their chosen area of the arts.?

The Rehab Visual and Performing Arts Fund is open to people with disabilities who are 17 years and over and who wish to pursue a career in the arts. Applications will be judged on the basis of their originality and creativity, potential future development, and previous portfolio of work. Applications can be for a particular artistic idea or work, or can support an individual in undertaking a residency or pursuing studies in their chosen area.

Grants of between ?1,000 and ?10,000 per individual or project will be made available and funding can be used to match other funding sources already secured by applicants or to support other funding applications.

Applications can be submitted electronically to or by letter to Visual and Performing Arts Fund, Rehab Group, Roslyn Park, Sandymount, Dublin 4, with a full CV and a description of the artistic project or field of study for which funding is sought.

To see the full terms and conditions of the fund go to


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Reebok and mc10 team up to build CheckLight, a head impact indicator to help diagnose concussions (hands-on)

mc10 teams with Reebok to build CheckLight, a head impact indicator for diagnosing concussions handson

Concussions have always been a concern for those who play contact sports. However, there's been a renewed focus in recent years by the sports community -- the NFL in particular -- to learn more about concussions in the interests of promoting player safety. Pro leagues aren't the only folks tackling the problem, though. Verizon, Intel and Ridell are all building systems to help identify concussed players. Reebok and mc10 have collaborated to create CheckLight, a head impact indicator meant to make it easy to see when an athlete has taken a dangerous blow to the head. The CheckLight itself is comprised of two parts: a sensor device built by mc10 and skull-cap made by Reebok.

The sensor itself is a strip of plastic filled with flexible sensors connected to a small microcontroller module with three indicator LEDs and a micro-USB port. One LED serves as a battery level indicator, one flashes yellow after moderate impacts and a third flashes red for severe blows. mc10 wasn't willing to share the exact hardware inside, but we know that it's got a rechargeable battery and has rotational acceleration, multi-directional acceleration, impact location and impact duration. Data from those sensors is then run through the company's proprietary algorithm to determine when to fire the LEDs. We got to chat with Isaiah Kacyvenski -- mc10's Director of Licensing and Business development and ex-NFL player -- about the CheckLight and the role it has to play in keeping athletes safe, so join us after the break for more.

Continue reading Reebok and mc10 team up to build CheckLight, a head impact indicator to help diagnose concussions (hands-on)

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Would you pay $160 to check out this view?


Luke Macgregor / Reuters

The shadow of Western Europe's tallest building is cast across London's financial district as seen from The View from The Shard on Tuesday. Adult tickets to the gallery range from $40 to $160.

By Peter Jeary, Foreign Desk Editor, NBC News

LONDON ?Towering 800 feet above the U.K. capital, The View from The Shard provides a unique panoramic perspective of the city and ? when the weather is clear ? up to 40 miles beyond.

But getting a chance to witness the vista from?The Shard, which last year became the?tallest building in Western Europe, won't come cheap. When the?public viewing gallery atop the London's newest landmark opens on Feb. 1, adult tickets will range from $40 to $160.

So will anyone be prepared to pay that much for the privilege of looking down on Londoners?

Andy Nyberg, The View's no-nonsense CEO, thinks so. He says visitors are in for an impressive sight ? a "tapestry of history" far below. Its first two days have already sold out.

"This is the only place you can see the whole of London at once and, as such, is a natural starting point for exploring the U.K.'s capital," he said.?"If we've got the room and if you've got more money than sense ??or time ? for ?100 ($160) you can turn up at the box office and go up immediately. But that's just a pressure valve for people who bang on the desk."

When it is fully fitted-out, the building will include a luxury hotel, restaurants, offices and private apartments totaling more than 31 acres. The architect, Renzo Piano, has described it as a "vertical city."

The Shard, Western Europe's tallest building will be officially dedicated. The glass paneling and tapered design have already made it one of London's most iconic landmarks. ITV's Lewis Vaughan Jones reports.?

A pre-booked, timed-entry adult ticket costs ?24.95 ($40), a price the operators believe compares favorably with other "fast-track" entrance fees around London.

In comparison, entry to the main observation deck of the Empire State Building, 1,050 feet up on the 86th floor, costs $25. Going to the top of the Eiffel Tower feels like a bargain at less than $18.50 ? and its third level observation desk sits 905 feet above Paris.

But unlike the New York or Paris icons, The View from The Shard's operators say the "visitor experience" is more about the city than the building.

In the entrance hall there was a humorous and irreverent montage of famous faces placed in London landmarks, as well as some of the city's less well-known neighborhoods. The lobby for the high-speed elevators, which whisk visitors skywards at nearly 20 feet per second, was awash with maps and quotations about the city.

"We've been allowed to be quirky by mixing fact and entertainment, but kept plenty of open space for people to enjoy, " Kevin Murphy, development director at Event Communications ? the?company responsible for bringing the concept to life ? said as he looked around the vast viewing gallery on Level 69.

The Shard towers 1,016 feet over London's South Bank and will be officially opened in February. The top floor will provide stunning 45-mile views and will be the tallest building in western Europe. NBC's Michelle Kosinksi checks out the tower inspired by old church spires.

Apart from high-tech interactive telescopes dotted around its edge, the gallery is sparsely decorated, enabling the view to speak for itself.

"We could have three million people a year through here," Murphy added. "But we're not about treating visitors like animals and herding them through."

But although there was space to roam, the novelty of the viewpoint soon wore thin ? at least on a cloudy January morning, with visibility limited to around four miles.

The London landmarks nearby, such as St Paul's Cathedral and Tower Bridge, were distinctive enough, and following the course of the River Thames as it weaved its way eastwards to the sea was intriguing. But after playing "Can I see your house from here?" and counting buses, there was little to hold the attention.

Even climbing up to Level 72, the partially open-air gallery at 800 feet, the narrowness of the city's streets kept many landmarks out of view. And when standing so close to the jagged pinnacle at the top of The Shard, the impression gained at a distance of broken glass simply disappeared.

There were two novelties that caught the eye at the summit: The highest ? and probably smallest ? gift shop in London; and the view from the restroom.

After all, who needs bathroom curtains 800 feet up?

Peter Jeary / NBC News

A restroom at The View from the Shard.

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PhotoBlog: Check out images from The Shard's official opening

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Heffernan: Amid flashy CES, a peek at a secret prototype

By Virginia Heffernan

LAS VEGAS?In a leather banquette in a sparkling Las Vegas club, a knockout blonde discreetly kicked the Louis Vuitton bag at her feet.

?It?s in there,? she whispered to me, conspiratorially. I followed this dame?s fishnet-clad legs down to her shoe?s pointed toe. Beautiful bag. ?I call it the football,? she said. ?I?m not going to bring it out yet.?

Leslie Bradshaw?s honey-colored Cali perfection brings to mind a young Cheryl Tiegs, but tonight she?s gone for broke in showgirl makeup, smoky eyes and red lipstick. I love her on sight.

'Til this moment on Wednesday night I knew only of Leslie, the co-founder and chief operating officer of JESS3, a brilliant and profitable data-visualization firm. I knew her from Twitter and tech blogs and magazines, where she?s forever featured as a top everything?woman, entrepreneur, kid genius?under 30. (She?s now 30.)

And now Leslie Bradshaw was hiding something. A new drug? A lap-dance voucher? We are in Vegas, after all.

But we?re here for the Consumer Electronics Show, the annual jamboree for the debut of new gadgets. Anyone with something to flog is flogging with gusto. Leslie is a cooler customer, raised on the idea of discretion when it comes to startups and venture capital. She?s not being a demented Qualcomm freak and overhyping stuff in a loony-bin, tone-deaf, tradeshow way. It?s all about stealth with her. A little film noir. The ?football? in Leslie?s logo-spangled bag is the prototype for her latest venture.

At CES, the bellisima Leslie is not the only entrepreneur with something up her sleeveless sleeve. At the Las Vegas Convention Center, amid the neurotoxic audiovisuals of this vast trade show, I ran into two others?Sonaar Luthra, a TED global fellow, and Sarah Szalavitz, the ingenious philosopher queen of 7 Robot and the MIT Media Lab?who were keeping their most recent initiatives under wraps.

If you don?t pay up for a kissing booth or a speaking part at CES, as Qualcomm (disastrously) did this year, you mostly just stroll the floors testing stuff, exchanging gossip and being surprisingly generous about what looks cool. At nightfall you find friends and meet their friends. Cards are exchanged. Disorientation and dehydration are collectively experienced. Soft rock played loudly is heard; the clamor of slot machines and spastic LED light schemes are brooked. Oxygenated nicotine air is breathed.

It?s not bad for a day or two, but it?s extremely, extremely difficult to do business. You can?t be heard. You can?t find the right person to pitch, in a city where ?adjacent? hotels can be a mile and a half apart. And there are no flat, vacant surfaces for showing off prototypes.

And that?s what Leslie Bradshaw meant. Though she doesn?t drink, or not much, she?s an expert cocktailer. She has a gift for making people feel comfortable, while also privately wowed. She could tell at a glance that the cocktail tables in front of us, jammed with cans of Red Bull and glasses of seltzer-lime on them, were not suitable for a full-dress presentation of her protoype. Which, I discovered later, is not a prototype at all?but a tablet cued up to demo the super-secret app she?s been working on, which launches on January 15.

I?ll say one thing I know about her elusive app: It transforms things into other things. Text into audio; audio into television. Text into television.

Sorry, folks. I can?t say more. Just as I can?t say more about Sonaar Luthra?s or Sarah Szalavitz?s projects, either. Though they might have something to do with Luthra?s inspiring Water Canary company, or Szalavitz?s seductive disbelief in ?impossibility.?

But I promise that all three of these stealthy ideas are just as intriguing as the idea of stealth itself, right here at a circuslike trade show.


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Friday, January 11, 2013

Video: PRESS Pass: Actor Bill Pullman

A Second Take on Meeting the Press: From an up-close look at Rachel Maddow's sneakers to an in-depth look at Jon Krakauer's latest book ? it's all fair game in our "Meet the Press: Take Two" web extra. Log on Sundays to see David Gregory's post-show conversations with leading newsmakers, authors and roundtable guests. Videos are available on-demand by 12 p.m. ET on Sundays.


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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Attention all ambitious women ? The Aspirer has launched! | Live ...

The Aspirer has launched!

My dear friend Ursula launched her blog,?The Aspirer yesterday! I?m so proud of her for taking a leap of faith and starting it -?launching a website is not as easy as one may think! I interviewed her on blogging, business and staying healthy and these were her answers.

The Aspirer

Why did you decide to start The Aspirer?

I decided to start The Aspirer as I felt there are too many websites targeted at women that focus on appearance, (whether that be beauty, fashion or interior design) ? and not enough on education.? I am not ashamed to say that I like looking at fashion and beauty blogs ? but they offer little value where my career is concerned. So I saw a need for a website that focuses on women?s careers. I designed the website myself and made sure that it had the look and feel of those ?fun? fashion and beauty blogs but actually had information about business and career.

I am no expert where career and business is concerned, so I won?t be pretending I am. The Aspirer is a website for all aspiring women and on the site I?ll be reviewing and interviewing up and coming female entrepreneurs, to share their knowledge to inspire and educate others.

Who do you look to for inspiration?

Mari Forleo, Taylor Sterling, Suze Orman, Jodie Fox, Loran Jane, Michell Bridges, Natalie Bloom ? they are incredible business women who have created a brand ? either about themselves or a passion of theirs.

How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

I am a pollo-pescatarian, (a white meat vegetarian) and now I am slowly becoming vegan. I eat vegetables at every meal and avoid large quantities of processed sugar, processed carbs and fruit. My health is important to me and when I eat well I am a lot more productive and happy.? I drink a lot of water and green tea ? and I make sure I snack on healthy items such as like goji berries and almonds instead of biscuits. I also go to the gym 5.30am every morning ? and it is that habit what keeps me centred. I?m not perfect, and I occasionally do slip up ? but over the long term I look after myself. I am the best investment!

Please share your favourite recipe
Vegan, Sugar and Gluten Free Chocolate Muffins

3 tablespoons of cacao powder

2 tablespoons of coconut oil

2 tablespoons of Natvia

2 tablespoons of water

1 table spoon of squashed banana

Half a teaspoon of baking powder

The Aspirer

Mix together until smooth and poor in a muffin tray.?Bake?for 15-20 minutes at 170c. Take out, let it cool a bit and serve with coconut milk ice cream.

You can always put?the ingredients?in a blender with some almond or oat milk and make yourself a decadent chocolate smoothie too!

What are your goals for The Aspirer?in 2013?

To get the word out there and grow it into the number 1 website for young career driven women. I?m going to start interviewing business women in the coming months, so if you?re running your own business and have an interesting story to tell ? email me at ursula[at]!

Where do you get business and career advice from? Do you like the idea of The Aspirer?


If you found this post useful please share it with your friends!


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Kanye West and Kim Kardashian's new home in Bel ... - West LA Land


It looks like the couple nicknamed ?Kimye? (Kim Kardashian and Kanye West) have purchased a mansion in Bel Air Crest that they?ve gutted and are currently expanding from 9,000 to 14,000 square feet. ?The original mansion, designed by Ron Firestone and never occupied, sits on a 37,000-square-foot lot.

The home includes five bedrooms and seven bathrooms as well as a double-height entry, Old School black walnut parquet wood floors throughout, a wet bar with leaded glass windows in the great room, and an elevator. Out back there?s an 800-square-foot pavilion with built-in barbecue center, a broad flat lawn and a bullet-shaped dark-bottom swimming pool with elevated circular spa. The house has long views over the canyons towards the mansion dotted ridge lines of Bel Air, and there are $933 per month homeowner?s association dues. ?When expanded, the home will reportedly include a basketball court, bowling alley, full hair and makeup salon and wine cellar. ?In addition, the?Bel Air Crest community has five private tennis courts, a putting green, club house and pool.

Want to know about other listings or sales in Bel Air and elsewhere on the Westside? ?Contact us at Klein Real Estate for information!

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Demand Media Bags 1.5M Domains After Acquiring Domain Registrar

name-t-shirt1Last we heard from Demand Media it was beating earnings expectations, with a revenue performance up 17 percent in the second quarter and even boasting of a small profit. The 'social content' company was also on a upward swing on its stock. Perhaps it's that momentum which is behind today's news that the company has acquired the Denver-based, a domain name registrar with a strong retail brand, in order to add to its platform plans for Top Level Domains (TLDs) this year. Demand already owns the eNom registrar. Over one thousand new domain extensions are expected to become available for registration in the years ahead. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.


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