Thursday, January 26, 2012

Okay, this one is cool. I promise!

Okay so this idea I dreamed up and I thought it was so awesome I'd share it with you guys! The setting is somewhat cyberpunk but has the 'reclaimed tech' feel of panzerdragoon orta to make an example, think about that for a second, watch a few videos. Got the idea? Great!

The basic plot will probably be something around the people of a small island getting brought into the conflict of two bigger countries who are vying for control of the whole world obviously. They're trying to accomplish this with the use of 'mex' living creatures of organic metal who were created by a far superior civilisation before the fabled 'fall of the world' some hundreds of years ago. At the roleplay start you'd ether be from one country, the other, or the neutral island and forced to pick sides eventually, you'd also start off with a mex or get found by one in need of a rider, even if you think you don't have the talent to ride one. Neutral people don' start off with one since they've been out of the loop.

Also to avoid people going all dragon wars on this I'm thinking of limiting the amount of dragons, maybe giving better options. Good idea? All mex are winged regardless after all.


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